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Rejected BrBa Appeal

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by BrBa, Jun 13, 2013.

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  1. BrBa

    BrBa New User

    Hello again, recently i see the guy who hijack my acount is tagged as scammer.
    I told you here http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198033113482-brba.12139/ to investigate this guy and you will see the is a scammer with an alt account.
    He was a friend of mine we talk everyday on skype and when i earn some reputation on sop forum he ask me to help him with some trades.(he gve me the items and i sell the items for him) all good.
    For about two weeks i refuse to help him because he become very frustating.I rember he send me a gif animation on skype but that gif dosen;t work(malware), i ask him why and he told me he sent the worn file.Whatever i was in vacation with my familly and in the whole time he used my reputation to scam people.When i come back i saw my profile scammer and my whole items (buds) disapper.I talk with that guy and he sayid to me"Sorry man i was trying to make some money.I'm verry sorry" and he blocked me.
    I tryed to explain you but you can't trust a guy who was all time online and scammed people no?
    When he report me here
    he transfer the unusuals to duplicate them.
    He was helped by his friend Bolly http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033587390 (they live in the same city)
    He alt accounts Like CristiB(Akinbo Slice) when he report me again (to get duplicate items).
    I've told you to check here http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198033113482-brba.12139/ this guy have multiple accounts and he scammed people.
    I don't even know who is that guy Perplexion ™ IDLING.
    Why he post a scammed report for someone?
    Hope you understand i was right when i told you to investigate that guy.
    The guy who report me http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198020680785 is tagged as scammed with multiple alts and the principal one Akimbo Slice.
    Have a nice day.
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You already appealed and were denied, after reviewing the notes and your new story about being hacked (w/no proof) you have no grounds for a re appeal.
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