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Archived (CarbonNPT)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Z33RO, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. Z33RO

    Z33RO New User

    Victim: Goku4star

    steamID: Goku4star
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53802783
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067871295
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198067871295

    Scammer: CarbonNPT

    steamID: CarboNNPT
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53137729
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066541186
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066541186

    Screenshot of Trade: http://imgur.com/X1ygc


    I am Z33RO posting on behalf of my friend Goku4Star. Last Night Goku4Star was scammed by CarbonNPT into an extremely unfair trade. According to Goku4Star, after they had sorted out their trade, more items were unexpectedly added to the trade after he had confirmed the trade. This sounded confusing to me when I first heard it, but after speaking with another friend, he claimed that he had heard of this happening to some others over steam. I'm afraid I have very little proof of any chats or screenshots of the actualy trade window (since I wasnt physically there and its not something you think of doing at the time). Goku4Star asked me to talk to him and try to sort it all out.

    Looking at CarbonNPT's profile and inventory I concluded that he must be a relatively new player (with under 50 items in his inventory and under 2 hours play time in the past 2 weeks) and that this was an honest mistake, I was prepared to talk to him and try to sort it out through a chat. I am unable to add him as friend on either my steam login or Goku4Star's (possible block?). Which is strange since I had never even heard of such user since last night, I am assuming that he has blocked Goku4Star and blocked the people on Goku4Star's friend list (in order to achieve a complete isolation from us). I have also tried adding some of CarbonNPT's friends and asking them if I could talk to CarbonNPT, so far one of his friends has said sorry to me (presumably after asking CarbonNPT) and then going offline to me and the other said that he'd ask, but never got back to me. The main problem is his friends list is fairly small and they mainly speak another language.

    So now I am reporting him on here as a scammer, I realize that waiting to talk with him was a bad idea now and that I should have told Goku4Star to take screenshots of everything as proof but I wasnt prepared at that time to take this course of action. Is it a good idea to contact steam support about this situation as well? Goku4Star has lost a considerable amount of Ref over this.

    The Final trade involved Goku4Star recieving a dirty "Taunt: The Schadenfreude" for the " Football Helmet, Glengarry Bonnet, Liquidator's Lid, Tough Guy's Toque, Griffin's Gog, Mining Light, Sight for Sore Eyes, Defiant Spartan, Texas Ten Gallon"
  2. Z33RO

    Z33RO New User

    Please put this on hold. I am in contact with him and we are sorting this out...
  3. Z33RO

    Z33RO New User

    Please delete this thread. The problem has been resolved.