I was selling COOOOOOKIE a Kringle Collection for PayPal and he seemed to have good rep. However it was all fake and he never sent the money. Please mark him as a scammer.
Hello! Your format is improper. Please resubmit another following this http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...-look-at-acceptable-format-before-posting.51/. Please provide pictures of chat, trade, and trade history. If you cannot take a screenshot cause you use something like mac use this http://gyazo.com/. Thank you for your time . Guide on how to find your trade history: 1)Go to your profile 2)Go to your inventory 3) Go to the top right corner and it should say "View item history" right next to "Privacy settings"
You've got to be kidding me, steamrep! This guy has so many offenses to his name, so many complaints, claimed scams, attempted scams, most in proper format, all linked to his account, and you've yet to so much as flag him in nearly a week! He's a confirmed alt of a known scammer, scammers acknowledge that he's a scammer, and you've let him scam again. Someone's seriously dropping the ball here. Why bother going through the trouble of formatting this, just add it to the growing list of people who he's been attacking over the past few days.
@Krysto2010, It's not steamreps fault. They get thousands of reports and not many people to handle it. Just try being smarter next time
Why? No SteamID was even provided. No valid report and no proof = no tagging. Nothing is based of hearsay. Marking as rejected.