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Declined Deceptive trading: Claiming item is much more valuable than it is

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by 1-800-thewolf, Dec 16, 2012.

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  1. 1-800-thewolf

    1-800-thewolf New User

    |steamID: 1-800-thewolf
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:39590329
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039446386
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198039446386

    |steamID: N1c0
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:17514403
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995294535
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lorein
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197995294535

    Screenshots: 2 included displaying full chat.

    Description: A I had a post on tf2outpost.com selling a pair of strange mantreads. N1c0 added me and tried to convince me that his Vintage Tyrant's Helm was worth 5 keys instead of 3 because there are only 3 level 60's in the world. Fortunately I knew where to look up whether these statistics were correct or not and after showing my evidence he removed me from his friends.

    Sunday, December 16, 2012
    2:39 PM - 1-800-thewolf: how can I help you?>
    2:39 PM - N1c0: i want to know if you can accept my offer for the s matreads
    2:39 PM - 1-800-thewolf: okay hit it
    2:40 PM - N1c0: i got a lvl 60 v tyrans helm worth on 4-5 keys
    2:40 PM - N1c0: and as a sweet
    2:40 PM - N1c0: i can add 1.22 ref
    2:40 PM - N1c0: so what you think?
    2:42 PM - 1-800-thewolf: well your V helm is worth around 3 keys
    2:42 PM - 1-800-thewolf: + 1.22 ref doesn't even meet my asking price
    2:42 PM - 1-800-thewolf: so I'm going to say no thank you
    2:42 PM - 1-800-thewolf: :)
    2:42 PM - N1c0: k but this tyrans is on 4-5 keys
    2:42 PM - N1c0: cause of the lvl
    2:42 PM - N1c0: there is only 3 lvl 60 on the tf2
    2:42 PM - N1c0: xD
    2:42 PM - 1-800-thewolf: so who is willing to pay 4-5 keys?
    2:42 PM - N1c0: but if youdont collect it i cant do anything
    2:43 PM - 1-800-thewolf: link?
    2:43 PM - N1c0: i checked on stats and i saw ppl selling it for 4-5 lvl 60 and 53
    2:43 PM - 1-800-thewolf: if you show me a link of someone buying it for 5 keys I'll consider it
    2:43 PM - N1c0: but as i said if you dont collect it
    2:43 PM - 1-800-thewolf: otherwise no thank you
    2:43 PM - 1-800-thewolf: you'll have to add more sweets than that
    2:44 PM - N1c0: yeah im not going to look for it on out post it may took too long and i need to sell it fast so np ty anyway
    2:45 PM - 1-800-thewolf: yeah and I don't want to take the time to find that one person who will pay 5 keys
    2:45 PM - 1-800-thewolf: oh
    2:45 PM - 1-800-thewolf: I found you a link
    2:45 PM - 1-800-thewolf: http://stats.tf/item/99/Tyrant%27s_Helm
    2:45 PM - 1-800-thewolf: 179 people have a level 60
    2:45 PM - N1c0: http://tf2stats.net/item/Tyrant-s-Helm/99/
    2:45 PM - 1-800-thewolf: so you're totally lying when you say there are only 3
    2:45 PM - 1-800-thewolf: no thank you very much
    2:45 PM - N1c0: well my bad ten  :
    2:45 PM - N1c0: sorry for making you lose time
    2:45 PM - 1-800-thewolf: take your rubbish someplace else!
    2:45 PM - N1c0: cya !
    N1c0 is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    No scam is evident here.

    People disagree daily on the relative worth of items, and in this case there is little discrepancy. There is an onus upon the buyer to carefully check what they believe an item is worth, and in this case you did.
  3. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello, there's no evidence of any scam attempt here.

    I'll reject this.
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