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Invalid Getting payback for tag from a scammer.

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$, Mar 8, 2013.

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  1. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    Victim: |steamID: $LikeABoss$Steve-O$
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50125281
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060516290
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060516290
    Scammer: |steamID: In_the_heat | QS O. Fire TC
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33217471
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026700671
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/in_the_heat
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026700671
    Basically I brought this topic up because my friend recently said heat got on his server and this brought back all the stuff he lied to me about, I am currently making a appeal on my other account, but I would not be bothering to do this but Heat lied in the thread he made about me he said he the hat that he gave to me which was a phantom logo was part of his "dream set" but if it was then why would he trade it off, I have had no contact with him since then expect on outpost, http://gyazo.com/a8f77d7b83b94d00d59654791ed8c69d , also his friend who made that thread for him has been given a caution tag, and stating false facts on the old thread saying that I was going to buy it when I had about a few wepons, his friends facts were false and still are, if heat procalaimed to say that his hat was part of his dream set "like in my profile picture" he would not just trade it off he lied to admins and moderators and got aces gamer to believe his friend. I consider this scamming because the hat should still be mine since he GAVE it to me to have not just to wear and he has no proof that it was only to wear but neither do I but I never said anything in the chat that showed that I scammed him but instead gave it back because I felt confused and betrayed here is the old thread http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198060516290.12561/#post-41754
  2. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    I also had one of my friends (marret) make a comment because he was trying to talk to me and heat at the same time and he was on neither his side or my side for this but his comment wasn't acknowleged why would heat give me a unusual just to "wear" if he was such a high end trader he should have known better, I didn't know heat for very long and didn't expect him to give me one, and throughout the whole chat with me he acted as if he was angry at me and to show I didn't scam him I never blocked him in the middle I even talked to his friend who made the thread but I don't know why he didn't put up his chat with me which is the main thing, he threatned me saying ill be worldwide banned and what not, I knew the consequences of scamming and I did not want to scam heat instead he used it against me, given that heats friend who made the thread was friends with aces gamer he talked it out with him giving him a better chance of marking the wrong person, also I tried to see if heat is still friends with his friend who made the thread and it seems he is not and has not had contact with him.
  3. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    And the reason why I said he didn't give me a unusual is because heat kept telling me his friend would exchange for another hat I said sure that was his choice and I realized that he didn't want to give me one he wanted his hat back which was MINE in all rights, he tried to set me up I don't know if his friend knew or not but he did try to end my trading career.
  4. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

  5. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello, this is the report subforum, not the appeal section.

    If you're reporting, please remake your report and make it clearer, provide proof also.

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