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Evidence Provided Gift Wrap Scam

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by -Thund3r-, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. -Thund3r-

    -Thund3r- New User

    Victim : Me/-Thund3r-
    | steamname: -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:16721225
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993708178
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BestinTheWorldThund3r
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197993708178

    Scammer :
    steamname: [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49056040
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058377808
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RefuseWilcoResistBOB
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198058377808

    Chatlog :
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: hey
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: Hey
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: you still quicksell the shade?
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: got the wrap bro
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: yes
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: all other people wanting to buy it
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: forget THE DAMN
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: WRAP
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: 3 keys?
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: 3 keys your wrpa?
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: wrap
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: um I was quickselling it for 2
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: no
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: you have 2 give me wrap
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: how many people waiting?
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: lemme get the wrap.
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: like 3
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: wrap.
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong has accepted your request to trade.
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: trade me when you wrapped it.
    -Thund3r-S>UnusualExecutioners: so ...
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong is now Offline.
  2. -Thund3r-

    -Thund3r- New User

    Our chatlog & trade history.

    Attached Files:

  3. Pastels

    Pastels New User

    He scammed me, as well.
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: hey
    Pastels: Hi
    Pastels: You still selling summer shades?
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: yes
    You cannot trade with [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong because they are currently trading with someone else.
    Pastels: Alright. I've got the keys and the wrap.
    You cannot trade with [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong because they are currently trading with someone else.
    Pastels: Whenever you're ready
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: what is going on
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: my trade
    Pastels: Hm?
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong has accepted your request to trade.
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: it's so glitchy
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: bro
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: you there?
    Pastels: Yes
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: just give me the wrap
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: so
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: you can see it
    Pastels: Alright
    Pastels: When you're done, tell me or invite me to trade.
    Pastels: So are you wrapping the gift?
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: yes
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: I'm reinstalling tf2
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: I had to fix my trading
    Pastels: Ah
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: by deleting steam
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong: bullshit
    Pastels: So how long should that take?
    Pastels: ?
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong is now Online.
    Pastels: How long should the reinstall take?
    Pastels: Because I might head to sleep soon
    Pastels: ...You've got a lot of gift wrap .w.
    Pastels: You've gotten 4 gift wraps including mine since I last checked your inventory.
    Pastels: Dude?
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong is now Online.
    Pastels: Hey, what happened to all those gift wraps? They're gone from your inventory.
    Pastels: You there?
    Pastels: Sorry if I'm nagging, it's just this is kind of suspicious....
    [Ænima] Mating Luthir Kong is now Offline.
  4. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Please do not pollute reports with "he scammed me too" comments. If you have enough proof (such as screenshots of the chat), please create your own report.
    Penguin The Fluffy likes this.
  5. -Thund3r-

    -Thund3r- New User

  6. Penguin The Fluffy

    Penguin The Fluffy Articus Birdicus Defenderus Retired Staff

    Do not bump your reports, it does not make it be processed any faster.

    I am marking this ready for review.

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