Subject: (█▬█ █ ▀█▀) Victim: |steamID: |iRaffle|BloodBear|Admin| |steamID64: |customURL: |steamrepURL: SourceOp forum account (if applicable): casca89 Scammer: |steamID: █▬█ █ ▀█▀ |customURL: |steamrepURL: n/a Screenshots: Description: I was random added and invited to trade twice by this guy, I took a glance at his profile, and thought it was odd as it is considering he managed to have so few items, and yet have a max's head, which was duped, against my Stormy Storm Dr. Dapper Topper. His original claim was that it was worth more. I had a standing c/o of two salvaged crate #40s on my Strange Festive Bat, His offer was"overpay" it items or 35 regular crates(because apparently thats more that 2 salvaged crates) He was also very rushed with the trade. I put what little I didn't capture from the image chat I pasted below. I got as much of the chat as I could, but closed a portion of it early on. Not really sure if what I have qualifies for a ban, but I feel at the very least he should be watched. Also after I deleted him the first time, he re-added me to offer pretty much the same thing. At the very least this feels like sharking. Code: Code: Code: Code: Code: 11:05 AM - █▬█ █ ▀█▀: i can add crates 11:05 AM - █▬█ █ ▀█▀: <35 11:05 AM - |iRaffle|BloodBear|Admin|: I was offered 2 crate 40 for the bat, why would I want crates 11:06 AM - █▬█ █ ▀█▀: 35 crates=more than #40 11:06 AM - █▬█ █ ▀█▀: if u not intresting my offers 11:06 AM - █▬█ █ ▀█▀: - bye 11:06 AM - █▬█ █ ▀█▀: bb
Thank you for the report, but unfortunately SteamRep doesn't accept shark reports. You may have better luck reporting this issue to an affiliated community that does accept shark reports, such as AF2, MCT, or UTC. Links to said communities (in order): Marking as archived.