Hello everyone, my name is ManWitThePlan and as the title of the post stated, I am here to appeal my ban. Let me start from the beginning. It was the start of the 2012 Team Fortress 2 Christmas update and I was very excited for the new items. I was looking all over for a Strange Festive Sandvich. I was joining server after server trying to find the only item I real wanted. Final I see someone with the item I had been searching for. I ask if he would like to trade and he/she agreed. They put the item up for trade and ask what I was offering. I randomly through a refine on the table to see what reply I would get. (I had no Idea how much the item was worth at the time). I received a laugh and a reply that said something along the lines of, "Get back to me when you have a real offer." Before I could ask how much they were going for he/she left the trade. Feeling really dumb for the offer I had made, I went to TF2WH to see how much the new Strange Festive's were going for. I was greeted with a message stating I had been banned. I was surprised. I had no warning or notification of my wrong-doing. So I follow a link trail to the SteamRep forums to make my appeal. At this point and time I do not know why I was banned and if it will be lifted anytime soon. So that about sums up why I am
I posted this before I was finish. My apologize. Here is the link to the finished one: HTML: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/i-am-here-to-make-an-appeal.18390/