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I sold a steam gift that got charged back

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by [VON*]Paragon, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. [VON*]Paragon

    [VON*]Paragon New User

    So this is what happened -

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993957095 - this guy approached me to buy my unusual with a copy of GTA V. He agreed to go first so we proceeded to trade.

    I then resold the copy of GTA V to another person for other tf2 items.
    A few days later, the game got charged back due to fradulent use of CC etc. I had no idea he would do that given his 8-year old profile, but I was wrong.

    Now the person whom I resold the GTA V to demands me to compensate him. I am obliged to do so?
  2. Whatsofunny

    Whatsofunny New User

    You are not obligated too. Just show him your purchase history and show proof that you got it from someone else.
  3. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    He can make a ticket to Steam Support, asking his Items back. Question is, will that come from your bp or not, if so....
  4. [VON*]Paragon

    [VON*]Paragon New User

    I did. He believes that I wasn't the one who charged back. But he's insisting that I should pay him what he's lost - GTA 5 or equivalent
  5. [VON*]Paragon

    [VON*]Paragon New User

    I'd love to see how Valve handles it.
    Apparently this kid isn't happy. He threatened to have to banned and marked by "his friends" and a "csgo community". His incompetence to comprehend the situation is making me sick.
    I know he's upset over his loss, but why should I be the one to blame when a seemingly perfect trade went amiss?
    I was merely someone who was trading. I traded my stuff for a GTA, and then traded the GTA for other stuff - that's it.
    Please advise me what to do.

    Attached Files:

  6. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Can't do much without Valve. As far as Steamrep is concerned, its not a banable offense to be in this situation.
  7. Whatsofunny

    Whatsofunny New User

    I am sick of people like that keep bothering people for no reason. Send His profile link and I will report that guy for harassment.
  8. mint

    mint New User

    Im the person that he is talking about.
    Harassment? I pay for a game, that does not work, and then, the guy that sell me that game, says that is not his problem. Im mad mate. Is simple.

    And that is his side of the story. But first, he erase me from his contacts, and then dont answer my requests. Have to post coments in his steam profile, to get him accepting back my request.
    I know that is not his fault. But he is responsable with me. Because, i bought the game from HIM! Not the original user. (and i dont care who he is)
    I dont care, and is not my problem, were he get the games. He has to ensure me, that the product work. Is that simple, because, i pay for that. Is part of the trade, and is part os selling enything. Is basic people!
    He is responsable to me. I pay him, not the original gift owner.

    Be responsable to me, and then, if you want, talk to the original owner. Because, he is responsable to you. (not to me)
  9. Salmon

    Salmon Caution on SteamRep

    I sell computers as a hobby. I take great care to get legit copies of Windows if my client asks for it. If I got an illegitimate copy for someone, even if I bought it from someone who seemed legit, I'm the one who gets in trouble for it.

    While SR cannot prove anything and does not handle these situations, Valve acts however they please and may see you as abetting the original false purchaser, especially if it happens again.

    Situations like these are why I would never deal in tradeable game gifts. Too many of the people with the best prices are laundering money off stolen credit cards.
  10. TFD_Industries™

    TFD_Industries™ Retired Staff

    I remember a similar incident happened to me once before, it was a trade between my unusual hat and a couple of steam games.
    All of the games were charged back after 2 weeks, and I already sold a few copies and claimed some to my library.
    After I noticed what happened, I tried to find all the affected customers I had conducted with and most of them have confirmed the games were gone.
    I sent a support ticket, and they duplicated the hat to cover my loss since I agreed to trade my hat for the games (which all of them got charged back) via the trade window.
    I did compensate the customers I found and they were satisfied about it since I sold most of the games via paypal which they were unable to request a trade revoke via steam support.
    SilentReaper(SR) likes this.
  11. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I usually only sell games I bought myself, for this reason.
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  12. RuhaI

    RuhaI Partner Community

    If the game was tradeable and was traded through the trade window, follow this guide to see how to get your items back.

    This is the first step.
    But if it was a giftable game where you gave the your items first, steam won't replace your items as the game wasn't given through the trade window.
  13. mint

    mint New User

    "But if it was a giftable game where you gave the your items first, steam won't replace your items as the game wasn't given through the trade window." Soo. steam will not repleace my items. ok.

    He has to repleace my items. And then, he has to make a ticket to Steam Support. Because, he originally trade the gtav for the first time, to the original owner.
  14. (Derp) Cookie Monster

    (Derp) Cookie Monster New User


    He does NOT have to do anything for you. Have you even tried making a ticket to see what steam can do for you? Or did you just come on here to complain about the "unfair" treatment you think you are getting.


    Source: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5854-QWLN-2621
  15. mint

    mint New User

    Yes, i have try making a ticket, nothing happen, because:
    "If you traded away the gift and it was later revoked from another account, Steam Support will be unable to restore the gift or any items associated with that trade."

    Thats my problem. " Steam Support will be unable to restore the gift or any items associated with that trade"

    So, i just pay 20 keys in items, for a game that doesnt work . And the guy that sold my that game, dont have to do anything? dont have any responsibillity? really? You think thats right?

    Steam support cant help me, im the 2° person that pass this game. He is the one, that have to make a ticket to steam, because he trade directlly with the owner of the game.

    But, ok, i lose the items and the game. and i am the bad guy, because i complain. nice policy.
  16. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    no, you interpret it wrong.

    As you paid steam items for the game, its those steam items you would regain. Altho steam support normally would not do bought items from a game (keys).

    The BOTH of you need to put up steam tickets.
  17. Eoj Nawoh

    Eoj Nawoh Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Both @mint and OP can open Steam Support tickets. Assuming you did trades within the trade window, then Valve would most likely replace your items. This has happened to individuals before, myself included, and is usually solved by opening a ticket to Steam Support.
  18. mint

    mint New User

    I gave him first the items. And then he send me the game, like a gift.
  19. Penguin The Fluffy

    Penguin The Fluffy Articus Birdicus Defenderus Retired Staff

    Not always the case anymore, since Valve updated their FAQ they are a little bit stricter on when they restore items.
  20. Eoj Nawoh

    Eoj Nawoh Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Interesting, I haven't seen any cases where Valve hasn't restored a direct item for game trade when the game was charged back. How are they remedying the fact that the game was removed to no fault of the user?

    Edit: I just checked the Steam FAQ, it seems to still be the old policy? I know the user has informed us he did items outside the trade window, but it still seems anything in the window is still replaced.
    I traded items for my gift. Can I have these items restored?
    If you performed a trade to receive this game, Steam Support will restore any items that were exchanged in the same trade window as the removed gift. If your trade fits this circumstance, please contact Steam Support.