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I would like to get second opinion for an appeal

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by MonoBear, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. MonoBear

    MonoBear Banned on SteamRep

    Hey there,
    I got a ban about a decade ago for some half-baked scam attempts I made as a kid, probably around 12 or 13 years old. When I tried to appeal before, it was instantly dismissed because it was too similar to an appeal I made about 3 years prior. But hey, it's been 10 years! I'm an adult now, with a job and honestly, those hats and collectibles from the game don't mean much to me anymore. I'm just looking to get back into the game, enjoy some of my favorite servers, and relive those memories. The way this has been handled feels really harsh and doesn't make much sense to me. All I get is a flat "nope, appeal denied" with barely any real explanation. I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, but I'm just a guy who wants to revisit the game that was a big part of my childhood. Back then, my scamming attempts were pretty lame, just a kid trying to unsuccesfully snag some hats.
    I'm really hoping someone will take a fresh look at my appeal and see that it's been a whole decade since that minor misstep. I just want someone to get where I'm coming from: I'm trying to reconnect with a game that was a big part of my childhood. It'd mean a lot if someone could just take a moment to consider how trivial this whole situation is, show a bit of understanding and compassion, and give me a shot at enjoying the game again.
    Please give me another chance or atleast tell me a way I can prove my honesty, without just saying "denied"
    Thank you for reading, and please give it another thought.
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