| steamname: ǂƮƮƦǂ Hevno | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52452000 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065169729 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hevno | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065169729 Well .. At first, I would like to apologize to all of you, Users and Administrators. I made some mistakes, I know, but ... But I did not know the consequences it would bring me, was even encouraged by a friend who tried it for the First and Only time, Mgs. http://steamcommunity.com/id/fluttershyfag/ I did not wanted to be harmed by this and regret my Every Act. I was banned from Tf2 outpost and no one really wants to trade with me now, it just makes me feel more sad about my choices. not intend to do anything like that again, I was just trying to recover some money lost in Exchanges, I know not the right way, but I feel REALLY embarrassed by it. I could not really steal something, there is nothing that I can return to prove that I'm really embarrassed, but I REALLY am, my friends saw my tags and because of that my name is dirty and some of them do not want me around anymore. Please, Just Give me a Chance, i Promise, I'll NEVER do something like this again, only support my cause once and I'll make it worth it. This has me very Hindering Exchanges, and I do not even really a Scammer Be active, I constantly end up wasting many hours searching for people who agree to exchange with me. Do not want to dirty my name for something so small, I usually do not ever trade fair and I have no item in Stolen My inventory. I'm banned plaza trades because of the tag, I can not just play the game because of it, and this game is one thing that I like a lot, I'm just asking for ONE more chance With these, I would ask to withdraw Scammer tags on my person, If you need to monitor me after that, I would see no problem as it will not make the same mistakes. I pray fervently that support my cause, I promise to you that it will not happen again Already Thankful, Hevno.