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Is it safe to travel?

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by vetns.#, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. vetns.#

    vetns.# New User

    Hey steamrep users !

    is it really safe to travel without getting in touch of your steam account for like 5 days? im going to a vacation,

    And we've heard many people get their accounts hijacked or whatever while they are not available and they get back and all of their items are stolen? what do you guys suggest i should do, or i shouldnt be worried, or private my bp or whatever

    I choose to make the thread here in steamrep cause its the most trusted community i've ever saw,

    thanks and have a nice day.
  2. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    If you pass is unsafe now, it will be unsafe in 5 days :)

    If you use a unique pass on steam, you should be fine, happy travels.
  3. vetns.#

    vetns.# New User

    Thanks mate !, and yes it is a Unique one.
  4. wic

    wic New User

    Plus, with Valve forcing everyone to use SteamGuard, those kind of hijackings just got allot more difficult (they would have to hack both your Steam and e-mail account).
    Enjoy your vacation :)
  5. DrKamina

    DrKamina New User

    Technically all passwords are unsafe, sooner or later somebody gets in.
    As said above however, SteamGuard is the secondary defense, I've had an alert once before of attempted account entry. The guard simply brushes it off and waits for the owner to respond.

    You will be just fine.
    Going anywhere cool?
  6. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I've never had a alert on my account... probably your password was too easy.

    My passwords are always considerably more then 20 characters:
    - Contains numbers 1-0 (10)
    - Lower case a-z (26)
    - Upper case A-Z (26)
    - Signs like "`~!@#$%^&*()_+[]\{}|;':",./<>?" (30)
    - Special characters like "áäàâÁÄÀÂéëèê etc etc, with these too: OUIY (~44)
    - And other "reachable" characters like çǃ€. and don't forget spaces.
    CTRL-ALT-"1" up to "=": ¡²³¤€¼½¾‘’¥× (12)
    CTRL-ALT-"Q" up to "\": å®þ«»¬ (6)
    CTRL-ALT-"A" up to "'": ßðø¶´ (5)
    CTRL-ALT-"Z" up to "/": æ©ñµç¿ (6)
    Space: " "
    and alt codes: ƒ ø£Ø (various, for what one can remember)

    The number of possibilities per char with the above is then:
    So thats at least 150^20 possibilities for brute force (3,32525 x 10^43 * 150^n (n being the number of chars more)). They would have more success with Hash attacking via network protocol etc.

    As my registered email to my steam account is also protected similarly, the address nobody knows (including myself, I have to look it up in my TrueCrypt volume, which I only check if my system is fully scanned with 2 different anti-spyware tools ) there is no possible way for anybody to ever guess my full email address. And even then, that password is different again.

    With every time that I hear about a major hack somewhere, I change PW's everywhere. Including when SPUF was hacked, or Blizzard like a month or 2 ago (which I knew before them, for I got on a secondary unknown email address for my blizzard account all the sudden every 2 days a phishing mail of "blizzard" stuf) , etc.

    And the "verification code" for Steam Guard is awkwardly short in my eyes....

    But I'm paranoid.
  7. wic

    wic New User

    O wow...
    Yes, DataStorm, you are :D
    On the other hand, guess whichever hacker would even begin a Hijacking of any of your accounts would eventually sit in a corner, crying...
  8. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Well, I've always did a combination of complexity and obscurity.
    Complex passwords etc
    Obscure any other information that matters.

    You wont find me on any "social" sites like shitfacecrap, eh, I mean FaceBook, or w/e. Eh, yeah, I did create a account on FaceCrap to extend my top limit of friends on Steam from 250 to 300. Never logged in again after creating it and linking steam. I really wouldn't know anymore what account that was...