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Invalid My appeal.

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Eima Dick, Oct 16, 2013.

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  1. Eima Dick

    Eima Dick New User

    My name on tf2 is "Eima Dick" and my name on steam is "dk_man880" And I have been banned from most servers, outpost, bp.tf, and other trading sites for being a marked scammer. This account is new. I made it some time ago so I could transfer my stuff to this account and then actually be able to trade, but it appears I am banned and marked and so on, on every account I make. The reason I am banned on every account I make, I believe is because 3 or 4 years ago, my brother "lulz patrick" or as he is called today "glad the man" scammed by name and desc taging a bonk boy so it appeared to look like an unusual, which resulted in him getting trade banned and marked and all that kind of stuff, and like a year later I began playing tf2, and after playing for a little I decided to buy something from the mann co shop and then I wanted to go trade, but It said I was banned from the server I wanted to join, I didn't know why... From that day on and to now my trading options have been limited, and I have met quite a few people who reported me for being a scammer without reason, but simply because I am a marked scammer, and now I am banned on pretty much every server on tf2, not just the trade server but most of the servers I wish to play on, and I simply can't take it anymore because what I am doing mostly on tf2 is trading but without trade servers and when I am a marked scammer it is very hard to do so. And the fact I have been marked as a scammer for so long is just not fair. It is so long time ago it actually happened and it wasn't me, who even did it, and yet I have been punished the last few years. I am not sure what I can do to help making this appeal acceptable, but a few things I do know. 1. It wasn't me who scammed. 2. it is a few years ago, so I believe I have been punished enough.
    And 3. I regret for those unacceptable things I have done, and I apoligize if this have not being an acceptable appeal, because when I read it, I see I could just as well have made it up and that makes me sad, because none of the above I have made up. I apolgize, I am sorry, I have been punished the past years, and I will make sure nothing like this will happen again if I do get unbanned, unmarked, and getting acces to the servers I enjoy to play on so much. Have a nice day.
  2. PervertedDashie[Maid]

    PervertedDashie[Maid] New User

    I feel your pain i have the same thing happy if you can get your brother to post approving that he actually did scam well then the admins might have more proof to help you out it would make your appeal alot more realistic :) i hope you get unbanned if your being truthful
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    1. improper format
    2. you need to deal with your other tags prior to appealing here your SR tag.
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