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Declined Report: 76561197963863799 - ([DOTA2] Dota2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Saberkillernova, Sep 25, 2019.

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  1. Saberkillernova

    Saberkillernova New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [DOTA2] Dota2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561197963863799

    Victim profile: 76561198057097630

    What happened? Description:
    Said he was a middle man for like 5 years plus. Took the original item, Claimed i was scamming and said i had to prove my other items weren't fake, then took 4 arcanas and my crimson edge of the lost order to verify them, blocked me and left.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please provide a full screen shot of your Trade Inventory History (thru a computer not mobile) showing for sure the trade in question(NOT TRADE OFFER!!)- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.

    Also is this the only other user you were talking to right?
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Declined for lack of follow up and evidence.
    Please do not submit reports here if you have no intentions on keeping up with them.
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