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Accepted Report: 76561197964612612 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by SiGHT 3, Oct 29, 2017.

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  1. SiGHT 3

    SiGHT 3 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Trade Offer Fraud] Using Trade Offer URL fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561197964612612

    Victim profile: 76561197967272111

    What happened? Description:
    he tried to lure me with the OPSKINS scam where he send me a trade request to "verify" my items on OPSKINS and then i told him i know it is a scam then he admit it!​

    Provide Evidence:
    as i told him that i know he scams me or tries, he admitted and deleted me.​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saturday, October 28, 2017
    SiGHT: can i help?
    High: yeah
    High: 'i just want to ask
    High: if you interested to trade :) ?
    SiGHT: what was it about tho
    SiGHT: black culdron?
    High: ?
    SiGHT: trade what mate
    SiGHT: u added me, im just asking what do u need :)
    High: so you have knife and ak for a trade?
    SiGHT: wtf
    SiGHT: when did i say anything about trading a knife or an ak
    SiGHT: whats ur offer tho
    High: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198333807843/inventory/
    High: thats my vault inventory
    High: take a look
    High: then tell me what do you want me to offer
    SiGHT: nah thats fine
    SiGHT: i dont need anything
    SiGHT: i dont play cs
    High: really?
    SiGHT: yes
    SiGHT: i never posted a trade
    High: dont worry bro
    SiGHT: for
    SiGHT: cs
    High: i can overpay :)
    SiGHT: its alright
    SiGHT: either send me a trade offer
    SiGHT: and i can either accept or decline
    High: yeah
    SiGHT: or nvm mate
    High: send me your
    SiGHT: nah its alright
    High: trade url so i can send an offer
    SiGHT: ah lol
    SiGHT: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=7006383&token=4-lBdB61
    High: okay
    High: wait
    High: sec
    SiGHT: sure
    High: btw where you from and how old are you ?
    SiGHT: 26, israel
    High: ahh okay
    High: we desame
    SiGHT: huh?
    High: 13 years in steam
    SiGHT: ah lol
    High: okay but before i send an offer your knife and ak is 100% marketable in opskins market ?
    SiGHT: sure
    SiGHT: it is
    High: can we check its first !
    SiGHT: yea
    SiGHT: how tho
    High: i just want to make sure
    High: cause im reselling items there so thats why
    High: okay
    High: do you have discord ?
    SiGHT: sure how would i check
    SiGHT: no
    SiGHT: just tell me what to do
    SiGHT: im in a bit hurry
    High: really
    High: we need skype
    SiGHT: i dont have
    SiGHT: either man
    High: so we can do this fast
    SiGHT: just tell me
    SiGHT: how can i check it
    SiGHT: i have op account but i never bought ther
    SiGHT: or sold
    SiGHT: so how i check
    SiGHT: there*
    High: okay
    High: go to opskins now
    SiGHT: ok
    SiGHT: done, now what
    SiGHT: ssec
    SiGHT: logging
    High: sign in throught steam
    SiGHT: ya sec
    SiGHT: k
    SiGHT: done
    SiGHT: now what
    High: what do you see ?
    SiGHT: Please enter your two-factor authentication code
    SiGHT: wth
    SiGHT: ahh
    SiGHT: sec
    SiGHT: i think i know
    SiGHT: ok
    SiGHT: done
    SiGHT: now what
    High: send me screenshot
    SiGHT: wtf>?
    High: i was troll ba sacaman
    High: no troll please :(
    SiGHT: what?
    SiGHT: http://i.epvpimg.com/2IsUdab.png
    SiGHT: i dont get it
    SiGHT: why would i lie
    SiGHT: i just logged it
    SiGHT: -_-`
    High: okay
    High: are done
    SiGHT: thats it?
    High: fill up requirements
    SiGHT: we can trade now?
    High: ?
    SiGHT: i told u
    SiGHT: i have account
    SiGHT: on OP skins
    SiGHT: or sold
    SiGHT: items
    High: okay
    High: click sell at the top
    SiGHT: k
    SiGHT: now?
    SiGHT: List Price
    SiGHT: Our Cut
    SiGHT: Your Cut
    High: you just post your skins there then once i saw it there it means 100% marketable
    SiGHT: ok
    SiGHT: how much
    SiGHT: price
    High: send me ss rather
    SiGHT: wtf dude
    SiGHT: can we go on
    SiGHT: or i go off
    SiGHT: i dont have time for this
    SiGHT: i dont need this
    High: men
    High: please
    SiGHT: NO
    High: i need this
    SiGHT: its either
    SiGHT: i will do
    High: understand me also
    SiGHT: but WHAT
    High: 9999$
    SiGHT: OK
    High: click your knife
    SiGHT: then
    High: change the list price 9999$
    SiGHT: i did
    SiGHT: now what?
    SiGHT: next?
    High: click next
    SiGHT: it say
    High: then
    SiGHT: your sale queue
    SiGHT: now what
    SiGHT: deposit?
    High: click also
    High: your
    High: ak
    SiGHT: ok
    SiGHT: price
    SiGHT: ?
    High: change the list price 9999$
    SiGHT: done
    SiGHT: now what
    High: click next after
    SiGHT: ok and then
    SiGHT: finish?
    High: go to your steam
    SiGHT: kk
    High: you just post your skins there
    SiGHT: yes
    High: then i will search it
    High: tell me if done
    SiGHT: wait what
    SiGHT: steam?
    SiGHT: what i do now
    High: the
    High: notifacation bro
    High: check
    High: if there is
    High: ?
    SiGHT: ah
    SiGHT: yes
    SiGHT: i see
    High: tell me if done bro so i iwll seach your skins there
    High: accepting
    SiGHT: sec
    High: k
    High: im in opskins ready to search]
    SiGHT: ok, so i know this scam types i never put my ak or knife in op skisn xD
    SiGHT: i post this ss
    SiGHT: with report
    SiGHT: to all website ^^
    SiGHT: its funny
    SiGHT: u try this
    SiGHT: but i will atleast report u
    High: yeah i have no money
    High: ':)
    High: not like you
    High: so rich
    High: i playing in internet cafe with my friends
    High: they
    High: teach me this
    High: to make a money
    High: after i get your knife i will sell it into money
    High is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. SiGHT 3

    SiGHT 3 New User

    i've attached the other profile he used to scam trade ( alsho shows the hyperlink)

    Attached Files:

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    What bot? You completely forgot to provide any info on that account when its clearly involved.. now clearly required.
    SR profile block please!
    @SiGHT 3

    Attached Files:

  4. SiGHT 3

    SiGHT 3 New User

    What other information should i give? he admitting it wasnt enough? (last few msgs he sent to me)
    other than that he traded me with an account :
    he sent me the trade request pretending to be from OP skins, ( I didnt put my items on sale i just told him that i did so i can lure him in order for him to get banned) so i declined the offer ofc...
    he has few accounts... but i gave the info + evidence that he tried to do that ... what else can i show ?
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    NEVER give us Custom URL's - that does not work when I plug it into steamrep search so you need to do that and then copy/paste the FULL SR profile block like I requested to put here.
    I'm not sure why your asking about other info..I already asked for one thing..I've already tagged the accused and I'm waiting on what I asked for about the bot Account.
  6. SiGHT 3

    SiGHT 3 New User

    Alright, sorry wasnt sure what you meant. but i think this is for all his accounts.
    | steamname: High
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:186771057
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198333807843
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198333807843

    | steamname: [OPSKINS] Bot #1241
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:226173943
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198412613614
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/4234266235211
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198412613614
  7. SiGHT 3

    SiGHT 3 New User

    here is a screen

    Attached Files:

  8. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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