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Declined Report: 76561197967492723 - ([DOTA2] Dota2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Hit or Miss, Jul 28, 2019.

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  1. Hit or Miss

    Hit or Miss New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Misrepresenting virtual items
    Virtual item type involved: [DOTA2] Dota2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561197967492723

    Victim profile: 76561198407541175

    What happened? Description:
    This user added me to make an offer on my tf2 items with his Dota2 items. He proceeds to offer me a corrupted belt of the grey wolf which he claims to be $440, after I asked him if that was what it really was worth. As we all know, corrupted items in dota2 can be priced insanely high yet have very little actual value. He sends me a screenshot of the trade he wants to send me.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Sorry but there is no scam there, SR doesn't get involved with pricing/value disputes for starters but you can't just report someone because you don't agree with their offer.
    Decline it and move on.
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