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Accepted Report: 76561197968445066 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by GLiTCheD |, Jul 22, 2017.

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  1. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561197968445066

    Victim profile: 76561198173392907

    What happened? Description:
    Legendb added me for a trade yesterday and we had agreed on some of my lower tier items for an M9 Bayonet | Crimson Web Field tested that he would buy on opskins for me. (He was busy yesterday so we talked today)
    We had a skype call and he guided me through the standard opskins depositing bs. But he also wanted me to check an "overstock" on the items I had. He told me that we couldn't get this value by normal means and we had to do some kind of "glitch" in the opskins system to see it. At first he told me to deposit my M4A4 | Desolate Space in the opskins inventory (this was all legit until now) He then told me to not decline the Desolate space offer than was sent on steam by an official opskins bot and told me to open a new tab of opskins. He then told me to deposit all the items we had agreed on (Including the M4A4 Desolate space) He then told me to click deposit, but the trade didn't send as the M4 was already in a trade by an official bot but he said that it was "Normal". I then received a trade offer from a fake opskins bot that he most likely owns. I told him that the bot was fishy as it was not in the official bot group and he told me that it was probably a new account (He then made the bot join the public opskins group, lol) I then told him that I had declined the trade from the fishy bot and sent a new one directly from the site and he removed me from his friends list straight after.​

    Provide Evidence:
    His fake opskins bot:

    | steamname: [OPSKINS] Bot #1574
    | steam3ID: [U:1:442488279]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:221244139
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198402754007
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Bot2334515
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198402754007

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    July 21, 2017
    4:44 PM - GLiTCheD |: Yeah, I do sometimes to piss my roomate off
    4:44 PM - GLiTCheD |: 5 mins left
    4:44 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: okay2. Just pm me, Im doing some trades atm
    4:56 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: How's it doing bro?
    4:58 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Hello?
    5:04 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Bro?
    5:08 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Hello?
    5:09 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: I had to resend the bot's offer bec it expired. Here it is again
    5:09 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: http://imgur.com/a/oCScL
    5:13 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Bro Im about to attend a meeting in awhile.
    5:15 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: If you wont respond till then, lets just post pone. My offer will still stand bro dont worry.I hope you wont look for another offer till then. I'll be on is less than 12hrs okay?
    6:03 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Bro?
    6:03 PM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Are you there?
    July 22, 2017
    9:20 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Hey bro?
    9:20 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Im back
    9:20 AM - GLiTCheD |: Sup
    9:20 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Sorry I took awhile
    9:20 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: I took morethan 12 hrs
    9:23 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Wait a sec bro let me resend the bot's offer
    9:23 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: It expired
    9:24 AM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    9:26 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: http://imgur.com/a/trG1h here you go bro
    9:26 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: And just for the recap
    9:27 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Im trading that for your gut, m4, awp, ak, mp7, sg, and nova right?
    9:27 AM - GLiTCheD |: mhm
    9:27 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Okay2
    9:27 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: So, can we talk now on skype bro?
    9:27 AM - GLiTCheD |: sure
    9:27 AM - GLiTCheD |: which is your skype btw
    9:27 AM - GLiTCheD |: I got multiple requests
    9:27 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: So that I can guide you and we can get over our deal already
    9:27 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Gunrrit17 :)
    9:27 AM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    9:29 AM - GLiTCheD |: yeah
    9:29 AM - GLiTCheD |: it is
    9:29 AM - GLiTCheD |: loud enough
    9:29 AM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    9:30 AM - GLiTCheD |: skype chat is a bit laggy
    9:30 AM - GLiTCheD |: can we talk on steam?>
    9:30 AM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    9:30 AM - GLiTCheD |: nope
    9:31 AM - GLiTCheD |: ?
    9:31 AM - GLiTCheD |: yep
    9:32 AM - GLiTCheD |: You see the trade offers?
    9:32 AM - GLiTCheD |: ?
    9:33 AM - GLiTCheD |: eh seems like
    9:33 AM - GLiTCheD |: What's the point of this
    9:33 AM - GLiTCheD |: is what I mean
    9:33 AM - GLiTCheD |: ?
    9:34 AM - GLiTCheD |: That's the sell tab
    9:34 AM - GLiTCheD |: Opskins inventory or steam
    9:35 AM - GLiTCheD |: They're inn my inventory
    9:36 AM - GLiTCheD |: going on my phone
    9:37 AM - GLiTCheD |: done
    9:37 AM - GLiTCheD |: mhm
    9:38 AM - GLiTCheD |: nope
    9:41 AM - GLiTCheD |: on the knife
    9:43 AM - GLiTCheD |: accept which one btw
    9:44 AM - GLiTCheD |: mhm
    9:44 AM - GLiTCheD |: wait
    9:44 AM - GLiTCheD |: accept which one?
    9:44 AM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: wait
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: hold on
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: my thing glitched
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: do you still see the screenshare?
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: hold on
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: had to end call
    9:45 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Sure
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: going to accept the offer anyways
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: Let's do the rest in chat btw
    9:45 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Sure just do screenies and send it to me
    9:45 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: for each graph
    9:45 AM - GLiTCheD |: can't hear you over all the noise in the app
    9:46 AM - GLiTCheD |: Wait
    9:46 AM - GLiTCheD |: which offer do I accept again?
    9:46 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: The on for m4, awp, ak, nova, etch.
    9:46 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: After that go back to the item listings
    9:46 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: click the names
    9:46 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: then you'll se a g raph
    9:47 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: screenshot them and send it to me
    9:47 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Hows it going?
    9:47 AM - GLiTCheD |: hey wait
    9:48 AM - GLiTCheD |: The bot isn't official
    9:48 AM - GLiTCheD |: It's not in the group
    9:48 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: How so?
    9:48 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Really?
    9:48 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Send me a screenie
    9:48 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: or bot's link
    9:48 AM - GLiTCheD |: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198402754007
    9:49 AM - GLiTCheD |: It's not in the group
    9:49 AM - GLiTCheD |: Nor is it playing Counter-Strike:Global Offensive
    9:49 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Idk maybe its new?
    9:50 AM - GLiTCheD |: ah
    9:50 AM - GLiTCheD |: kk
    9:50 AM - GLiTCheD |: I'll just accept the offer
    9:50 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire: Sure
    9:50 AM - GLiTCheD |: Eh
    9:50 AM - GLiTCheD |: I'll just resend the offer
    9:51 AM - GLiTCheD |: to another bot
    9:51 AM - GLiTCheD |: declined the one that was fishy
    9:51 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire is now Offline.
    9:51 AM - GLiTCheD |: Is that okay with you?
    9:51 AM - Legend B > Ruby / Sapphire is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    9:51 AM - GLiTCheD |: okay then
    9:51 AM - GLiTCheD |: lol

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @GLiTCheD | Ok so 17 posts here and yet you still don't Steamrep users before accepting them as friends?
    Had you done that you would have seen this user was already banned/tagged - there isn't a thing more we can do tot hem here.
    You should just report them to Valve, delete and move on...avoid them.
    While I'm gonna go ahead and link everything up and the bot - the bot account is just a throwaway..they will make a new one within hours and there isn't nothing we can do.
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Also Stay OFF skype! Anytime you deal with steam trading stay on steam chat!
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