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Accepted Report: 76561197973148539 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Double♛, Apr 16, 2017.

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  1. Double♛

    Double♛ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Trade Offer Fraud] Using Trade Offer URL fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561197973148539

    Victim profile: 76561198142351570

    What happened? Description:
    He reached out to me saying he will he trade my shadows daggers for knifes that were really expensive, i knew it was a scam but i wanted to get evidence for this.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Proof of identity​

    Raffletrades Bot 5: Hello
    Double♛: hi
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Im just asking if you are interested for a trade?
    Double♛: yes
    Double♛: for my daggers?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Good to know sir for your trading items.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: What float of your knife sir?
    Double♛: let me check for you
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok thank you sir.
    Double♛: 0.165224686 wear rating
    Double♛: 395 pattern template
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I have ★ Bayonet | Stained (FN) to trade you knife sir for my investments.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Good float sir.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I am interested.
    Double♛: do you have any flip knifes you would trade instead?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok let me check.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Yes sir, i have ★ Flip Knife | Slaughter (FT)
    Raffletrades Bot 5: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/9858763895/?l=english&o_url=2324646231

    Raffletrades Bot 5: For me is good to trade with your stuff.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Becuase i am collecting all shadow daggers for my investments and also to my collections.
    Double♛: could you please tell me how much you think my daggers would go for?
    Double♛: are they rare?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: No it's just a normal price because i am collecting all shadow daggers for my collections only.
    Double♛: ok
    Raffletrades Bot 5: But don't worried because i am overpaying with your stuff.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: So that you can profit.
    Double♛: please bear with me i'm quite new to trading
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok sure, Can you wait i'll contact the steam community helper for the transaction and items verifcation.
    Double♛: ok i'm just hav
    Double♛: having a look
    Double♛: in your inv
    Double♛: see if anything is on the same price range
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Did you saw it my offer sir?
    Double♛: what was it?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: the prices of my ★ Flip Knife | Slaughter worth of $119.30
    Raffletrades Bot 5: the important of my investment i can collect all shadow daggers for my negotiate items.
    Double♛: do you have any other fli[
    Double♛: flip knifes?
    Double♛: i'm not really a fan of the slaughter
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Let me check if i have.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: How about my ★ Flip Knife | Doppler (FN) sir ?
    Double♛: yes
    Double♛: intestered
    Double♛: interested*
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok sure im interested too
    Double♛: which phase?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: phase 1
    Double♛: ok intestered
    Double♛: very
    Raffletrades Bot 5: After this trade i will join on your playing CSGO .
    Double♛: ok
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I want to play with you after this.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok just wait i'll contact the steam community helper for the verification items.
    Double♛: ok
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok here sir please help me add him. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197973152403/
    Double♛: I recieved the knifes of a friend they might not be tradable yet
    Raffletrades Bot 5: If he confirm you can you please tell him to check our items verification and i am your partner , ok?
    Double♛: ok
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok we need to help the steam community helper if your items is tradable.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Im talking with him sir, just follow him instruction and i will follow him too.
    Double♛: if this isn't a one on one trade i'm not doing it tho ok?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Yes sir we need to check first if the trading items It is safe and secure, and after this process so that we can trade 1:1 safely, ok?
    Double♛: ok
    Double♛: what do you mean safe and secure?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: If the steam community helper have detect some BUGGEd items or error.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: what do you mean sir?
    Double♛: if i feel like i'm getting scammed i will not go throught with the trade
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Sir you are not to trade with him sir.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Only pending items to the program, so that he can check and verify the trading items.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I am the one to trade with you sir only 1:1 safely.
    Double♛: ok
    Raffletrades Bot 5 is now Online.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Did you click the link sir?
    Double♛: what link
    Raffletrades Bot 5: sir what are you talking about ?
    Double♛: it's a scam
    Raffletrades Bot 5: You are not trading with him.
    Double♛: i'm not dumb
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Just look my items, still in my inventory.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Did you follow him instruction sir?
    Double♛: its a trade offer link i'm not dumb
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Yes its a trade offer link sir.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: But did you think i am bumb too ?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I alread do this for my client.
    Double♛: if it's not a one on one trade i'm not doing it
    Raffletrades Bot 5: LOL you are not trading with him.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I thikn you don't understand all ..
    Double♛: why is it a trade link then
    Raffletrades Bot 5: He said only pending items not totally sending items to him.
    Double♛: so what do i do
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Just only pending items on the program.
    Double♛: what do i do tho
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Here sir the program https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=404042206&token=ajpraQBC
    Double♛: do i put my item in it?
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Just pending items and mine, after he check the trading items if the status is safe and secure , so that we can trade 1:1 safely.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Just only pending items on the program sir.
    Double♛: it's a trade link i'm not dumb
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Like what i do
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Yes
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Sir only pending items.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: "PENDING"
    Double♛: i'm not putting my stuff in there
    Raffletrades Bot 5: That he said : It will only be on a pending trade offer for me to get the full transcript of the trade and gather the necessary logs and data and proceed on to the verification process.
    Double♛: of course he will accept tho it's a scam
    Raffletrades Bot 5: So how can we proceed now /
    Double♛: sad life you've got to scam people
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Sir but why he not accepting my items ?
    Double♛: because your in it together
    Raffletrades Bot 5: No sir sorry but you don't understand.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: i think you are too dumb.
    Double♛: this is going up on youtube
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I don't care.
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Because this is recorded too.
    Double♛: scam
    Double♛: scam
    Double♛: scam
    Double♛: scam
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I will tell him to report you and screenshot.
    Double♛: go ahead
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok sure.
    Double♛: i don't care
    Raffletrades Bot 5: I am serious
    Double♛: i don't care your scamming
    Raffletrades Bot 5: You don't know him
    Double♛: cool
    Double♛: i'm not interested
    Double♛: bye
    Raffletrades Bot 5: Ok good luck he's going to report the all conversation.
    Double♛: ok don't care
    Double♛: this is funny because he is banned on steam rep
    Raffletrades Bot 5 is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:

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  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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