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Accepted Report: 76561197979820969 (Trixjah)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari

    [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari New User

    steamID: [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:31062169
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022390067
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/VayneKuagari
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198022390067
    SOP forum account (if applicable): [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari

    steamID: Trixjah.
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:9777620
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197979820969
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197979820969


    I found this user via Playdota through a Dota 2 key trading thread, We agreed on a trade and the user seemed trustworthy, As i had nothing to loose on the trade i went through with it just to have him block/remove me instantly

    23:53 - Trixjah.: You're wanting DotA2?
    23:53 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Yeah
    23:53 - Trixjah.: You already have it?
    23:54 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Its not for me, For a friend who has been trying to get one for a couple of months s:
    23:55 - Trixjah.: Ah, mine is only giftable, so I would need to add him
    23:55 - Trixjah.: or gift by email
    23:55 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: We could try and sort it out :D
    23:55 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: What do you want for it?
    23:55 - Trixjah.: Audiosurf.
    23:55 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Sure ^^
    23:56 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: shall we wait until my friend is done on starcraft?
    23:56 - Trixjah.: Can do
    23:56 - Trixjah.: how are we going to do this. I hate going first :(
    23:57 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: I could always kick open my livestream if you wanted when we do it
    23:57 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Just so you could see me doing it, The problem with these giftable only keys
    23:57 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Is that you cant really give a 100% trust s:
    23:58 - Trixjah.: Yeah
    23:58 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Im not one to scam anybody
    23:58 - Trixjah.: That's my point.
    23:58 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: I was scammed recently
    23:58 - Trixjah.: So was I funnily enough
    23:58 - Trixjah.: lost my D3 beta
    23:58 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Oh wow
    23:58 - Trixjah.: Yeah
    23:58 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Ouch
    23:58 - Trixjah.: Pissed me off
    23:58 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: I lost $60
    23:58 - Trixjah.: :(
    23:58 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: was trading for CS:GO
    23:59 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Guy scammed me :<
    23:59 - Trixjah.: I really don't fancy going first.
    05 April 2012
    00:00 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Im sorry s: but with giftables i dont really have much of a choice
    00:00 - Trixjah.: Ah
    00:00 - Trixjah.: Well I'm sorry and I hope you find someone.
    00:00 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: D:
    00:00 - Trixjah.: It's up to you.
    00:01 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: You know what, I dont have much to loose
    00:01 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: The lack of items on your steam inventory though
    00:01 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Like, Nothing there
    00:01 - Trixjah.: What?
    00:01 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: http://gyazo.com/71728b9b90eb227d98fe887537758b4a
    00:02 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: no steam inventory
    00:02 - Trixjah.: Hmm, why isn't it showing?
    00:03 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: can you take screenshots?
    00:03 - Trixjah.: I could easily just photoshop one to be fake if that was the case
    00:03 - Trixjah.: This is odd
    00:03 - Trixjah.: I'd rather you see my inventory
    00:04 - Trixjah.: So you know it's real then
    00:04 - Trixjah.: Ugh, why is steam playing up right now
    00:04 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Yeah
    00:04 - Trixjah.: Hold on, let me check settings
    00:05 - Trixjah.: If not, I guess you can find someone else.
    00:06 - Trixjah.: Can you see it now?
    00:07 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: not seeing anything
    00:07 - Trixjah.: What the hell
    00:12 - Trixjah.: Let me relog actually
    00:12 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Okay
    00:12 - Trixjah.: Might be steam bug
    00:12 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Will be here :D
    Trixjah. is now Offline.
    Trixjah. is now Online.
    00:13 - Trixjah.: Try now D:
    00:13 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: http://gyazo.com/740ea0ab3d05b3e7c1b6bb0d0b3ec1e9
    00:13 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Have you unticked that box and hit save?
    00:13 - Trixjah.: yep
    00:13 - Trixjah.: Want me to just take a screenshot?
    00:14 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Sure
    00:14 - Trixjah.: Okay, sec
    00:14 - Trixjah.: http://i.imgur.com/IyulW.png
    00:15 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: can i see the full right tab?
    00:18 - Trixjah.: What do you mean?
    00:20 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: hang on
    00:20 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021253504/
    00:20 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Thats the profile of the guy it is for
    00:20 - Trixjah.: Want me to add him?
    00:20 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Please
    00:21 - Trixjah.: Done
    00:21 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: tell me when he accepts
    00:21 - Trixjah.: ok
    00:29 - Trixjah.: Hasn't accepted yet
    00:32 - Trixjah.: Is he going to accept?
    00:32 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: i told him to but he didnt reply
    00:32 - Trixjah.: Can gift by email too btw
    00:33 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: You could email me it, and i could forward him it
    00:33 - Trixjah.: Can do that, sure
    00:33 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: Okay
    Trixjah. has accepted your request to trade.
    00:33 - [LC] 시미즈 Kuagari: *myemail*@hotmail.com
    00:33 - Trixjah.: Okay
    00:34 - Trixjah.: Let me send
    Trixjah. is now Offline.
  2. Bo0m!

    Bo0m! New User

    Please take a screenshot of your trade history. Also, if possible do you have any screenshots of the chat itself instead of just text? Thanks.
  3. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Marking now, thanks for the report.