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Accepted Report: 76561197987213280 (|FP|FF| Clyde)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Sillu, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. Sillu

    Sillu New User

    steamID: Sillu
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:14697209
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989660147
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197989660147
    SOP forum account (if applicable):

    steamID: |FP|FF| Clyde
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:13473776
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197987213280
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cfoster
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197987213280
    SOP forum account (if applicable):

    scammercut1.jpg scammercut2.jpg scammercut3.jpg scammercut4.jpg scammercut5.jpg scammercut6.jpg

    Description: So i posted a thread about selling runescape gold. He adds me, I ask if he agrees with the terms that I set on the trade that either he would be going first or we would use a trusted middleman from steamrep. So i understood that he agreed with the rules, but when he came up to me he started to want for me to go first, I didnt understand what the hell he was talking about at first, but then he said he wouldn't do it if I wasn't going first. So as he was spinning me all kinds of bullshit how it was so good, I knew he would try to pull something off so I suggested to use a middleman, that was when stuff started to heat up and I sensed that he was getting angrier. Then he finally snapped since he didn't like the idea of using MM at all since 'it would take so much time etc etc' and he logged off + ignored me. He was obviously a scammer. Chat log might be a little long but it containts all the needed information. Oh and I saw just that he's already tagged 2 times as scammer already so that proves it even more.
    Arash likes this.
  2. Sillu

    Sillu New User

    The pictures go by this:
    1 2
    3 4
    5 6
    Arash likes this.
  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Adding this to his rap sheet- thanks for the report! :) Your instinct was indeed correct- if they refuse to use a middleman, that's pretty much an admission that they are a scammer.
    Arash likes this.