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Pending Report: 76561198013902887 - (Pablo / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by couch boy, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. couch boy

    couch boy New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198013902887 (Pablo)

    Victim profile: 76561198013596894

    What happened? Description:
    scammer attempted to purchase an unusual i was selling via paypal.
    upon asking to see his rep thread he stated it was "his profile."
    scammer offered to use a middleman, however as he was attempting a cash trade, i can't understand why.
    as shown by chat logs the whole thing was fishier than an aquarium, and as such the scammer was promptly deleted.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Saturday, 22 March 2014
    2:23 AM - Pablo is now Online.
    2:26 AM - Pablo: Hello mate.
    2:26 AM - couch boy: yo
    2:27 AM - Pablo: Still sellin Your Unusual?
    2:27 AM - couch boy: which one?
    2:28 AM - Pablo: Villian's Veil
    2:28 AM - couch boy: which effect?
    2:28 AM - couch boy: greren energy?
    2:28 AM - couch boy: *green'
    2:29 AM - Pablo: Yes,Green energy
    2:29 AM - couch boy: what were you offering for it?\
    2:29 AM - Pablo: Did You get any offers yet?
    2:29 AM - couch boy: i don't have any outstanding offers on it atm
    2:31 AM - Pablo: I can offer You 500 USD
    2:31 AM - couch boy: well
    2:31 AM - couch boy: that's pretty much
    2:31 AM - couch boy: exactly what i was hoping for
    2:31 AM - couch boy: got a rep thread
    2:31 AM - couch boy: ?
    2:33 AM - Pablo: Yes,but only in my account. :) It my first acount :)))
    2:33 AM - couch boy: so not this account?
    2:33 AM - couch boy: i will not trade wil you unless you have rep for the account i am trading the hat to
    2:33 AM - couch boy: *with
    2:34 AM - Pablo: My rep is in my account.
    2:34 AM - couch boy: on your steam profile?
    2:34 AM - Pablo: Yes.
    2:34 AM - couch boy: yeah sorry mate
    2:34 AM - couch boy: it's not gonna happen
    2:34 AM - couch boy: unless you have a rep thread on sourceop
    2:34 AM - Pablo: We can do it on steamrep middle man
    2:34 AM - couch boy: with at least as much rep as me
    2:34 AM - couch boy: no thanks
    2:34 AM - couch boy: it's real money trading
    2:34 AM - couch boy: i have no guarantee you won't chargeback
    2:36 AM - couch boy: the rep on your profile is not even a week old
    2:37 AM - couch boy: if you are still interested in buying my veil, consider getting a friend you trust with several pages of rep to buy it for you
    2:37 AM - couch boy: otherwise please do not message me again
    2:37 AM - couch boy: have a good day
    2:37 AM - Pablo is now Offline.​

    Attached Files:

  2. ♠ Journey

    ♠ Journey New User


    There doesn't appear to be a clear incite with the accused having intent to scam.
  3. couch boy

    couch boy New User

    the accused has been marked as a scammer within the past week, and the "rep" on his profile doesn't even go back that far.
    given the fact that i did not actually advertise a price point for the hat he offered to buy, his offer was literally spot on in terms of what the hat was valued at,
    which to me suggest he has an extensive knowledge of tf2 item trading/selling, yet has almost no in game time, as well as no believable reputation to speak of.
    also, his offering to use a middleman for a cash trade is highly suspicious, most likely with the intention of luring in inexperienced traders with a false sense of trade security.

    as he is already marked as a scammer, i simply wanted to add more evidence against him