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Declined Report: 76561198039860630 (CAKE)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Gandalf the White Horse, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Gandalf the White Horse

    Gandalf the White Horse New User

    steamID: CAKE
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:39797451
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039860630
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198039860630
    Info:Attempted to scam. He was saying that he was scammed before by an admin and insist I would go first in a trade (my unusual for Paypal) when I told him he looked suspicious he said that the man who reported him in this post (http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198039860630-cake.4843/) was a member of an "enemy" group, the very same group that reported him on tf2outpost. (whatever that means). I told him that he can go first, use a middleman or leave and he kept trying to get me to go first. When I accused him of being suspicious he removed and blocked me. This isn't the first time this fool tried this.

    (picture is attached)
    Gandalf the White Horse: also
    Gandalf the White Horse: could you tell me the group you are fighting with?
    CAKE: thats enough for a payment but i cant i cant get scamed right now
    Gandalf the White Horse: Which is why we use a middleman
    Gandalf the White Horse: You find one if you want
    CAKE: ive gotten scamed by a sorce op admin i m super paranoid
    Gandalf the White Horse: Steamrep middlemen
    Gandalf the White Horse: There are seven
    Gandalf the White Horse: and they do not scam
    Gandalf the White Horse: I also ahve server middleman I use frequently
    CAKE: i only use my middleman
    Gandalf the White Horse: Which?
    Gandalf the White Horse: His name?
    CAKE: kramaro he owns a server and im admin on his server
    Gandalf the White Horse: You have to understand my position
    Gandalf the White Horse: You don't trust anyone
    CAKE: but its going to take awhile to get him
    Gandalf the White Horse: Well I have several middlemen we can use
    Gandalf the White Horse: KingJohn
    Gandalf the White Horse: PatSilverFox
    Gandalf the White Horse: Charmander
    Gandalf the White Horse: Bulbasaur
    CAKE: sry but i just need u to go first fast ive got like an hour to make my payment
    Gandalf the White Horse: payment?
    CAKE: ya i owe a guy
    Gandalf the White Horse: owe him what?
    CAKE: he has alot of colateral on me
    Gandalf the White Horse: paypal correct?
    CAKE: ya whats your user
    Gandalf the White Horse: [email protected]
    Gandalf the White Horse: It jsut all seems
    Gandalf the White Horse: Fishy
    Gandalf the White Horse: What with the tf2outpost report and all
    CAKE: its just a group that i was with then they started hating me
    Gandalf the White Horse: I'm sorry sir but unless you go first this can't happen, I have more rep than you, I am also a verified tf2 paypal user and you have no rep
    CAKE: well im still an admin of that helps?
    Gandalf the White Horse: Yo have to understand that just because youre an admin in a server does not mean you can be trusted for that reason alone
    Gandalf the White Horse: I have a dozen people to vouch for me
    Gandalf the White Horse: and have
    CAKE: well an admin has to be trusted thats why i was chosen from a ton of other people
    Gandalf the White Horse: Now do you think the fact you are an admin in a server out weighs all my pages of reputation?
    Gandalf the White Horse: Be reasonable friend
    Gandalf the White Horse: I'm willing to use a middleman
    Gandalf the White Horse: But I can't go first, not with your rep
    CAKE: if ive gotten scamed by admin on a trade server then i cant trust anyone

    Attached Files:

  2. Gandalf the White Horse

    Gandalf the White Horse New User

    why is this still pending?
  3. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    While fishy, I don't believe that this is enough evidence to say it is a scam attempt.