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Archived Report: 76561198041840443 (Flutter$hy)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by likeitsillegal, May 25, 2012.

  1. likeitsillegal

    likeitsillegal New User

    steamID: FrozenPie3
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45378302
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051022332
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FrozenToast3
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198051022332

    Scammer in question:
    steamID: Flutter$hy
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:40787357
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041840443
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198041840443

    http://oi50.tinypic.com/117zce1.jpg (given to me by the victim)
    http://i.imgur.com/wQkbW.png (My screenshot of when I was first contacted aboutt his supposed deal I made)

    I met Flutter$hy just a few days ago through tf2tp. He wanted to buy a series 20 crate from me. I added them, sold them a crate, and immediately, I was being bombarded with begging to sell or buy. First, he wanted me to buy a white backwards ballcap for 1 key and 2 refined. I didn't care for the hat, but the price wasn't the most outrageous, so I decided to do them a favor and do it.

    However, beyond this, we spoke very little. I did ask FLutter$hy why they were in such a hurry to get a key (they were really adamant about me trading them and giving them a key), though they refused to tell me.

    Anyways, today, I get a message from FrozenPi3 about some supposed deal I had made with Flutter$hy. I might chock this up to mistaken identity (Yes Man isn't exactly an uncommon name), yet Flutter$hy had less than 8 people on their list, I being the only Yes Man.

    Long story short, FLutter$hy used my name to scam some poor guy out of his keys, and then, attempted to get his bills as well, promising that I would be the one to give him a buds. I never heard anything about receiving keys, or bills, from Flutter$hy.

    Flutter$hy: u on?
    FrozenPie3: for a little bit
    FrozenPie3: did you get the buds yet?
    Flutter$hy: he will give u buds if..
    Flutter$hy: u give him a bills hat
    FrozenPie3: wth i gave you my 2 keys for nothing then?
    Flutter$hy: no
    FrozenPie3: i cant give away my bills hat its from the voice actor of sniper who told me to not give it to anyone
    Flutter$hy: 2 keys and 1 bills
    Flutter$hy: thats what he wanted
    Flutter$hy: thats why
    FrozenPie3: i cant sell or give my bills tho :/
    FrozenPie3: i'll tell you wut
    Flutter$hy: what
    FrozenPie3: if you get the buds
    FrozenPie3: i'll give you my bills
    Flutter$hy: ok..
    FrozenPie3: you dont have the buds yet?
    Flutter$hy: no he wants to see it first he does not like getting scameed
    Flutter$hy: he aways get scammed
    FrozenPie3: then tell him to add me
    FrozenPie3: i got scammed yesterday
    Flutter$hy: he dosent know how
    Flutter$hy: he is in 3rd grade
    FrozenPie3: then i'll add him
    Flutter$hy: asuka
    FrozenPie3: is he online or no?
    Flutter$hy: no
    FrozenPie3: is he yes Man?
    Flutter$hy: no
    Flutter$hy: Yes MAn
    Flutter$hy: whith caps
    FrozenPie3: Yes Man is him?
    Flutter$hy: yes
  2. [Ultimate] Zion

    [Ultimate] Zion New User

    Thanks for the report :) Can you provide screenshots of the trade inventory history?
  3. likeitsillegal

    likeitsillegal New User

    Sure. First, here's a screenshot of the two trades I did with Flutter$hy the day before I learned what happened.

    A bit of info on her trades to Fluttershy. Basically, Flutter$hy started at a low request, promising buds for 2 refined. FrozenPie agreed to this, although a few days later when she received no Buds, she continued to press Flutter$hy. However, by then, Flutter$hy had used her metal, and chose to give FrozenPie an Anger instead - on the condition that FrozenPie give her Strange Quickfix as well. By then, Flutter$hy gained her trust, and raised the demands. She wanted two keys, promised buds, this time with my name attached. Flutter$hy returned the Quickfix, and took the keys. But just a day later was demanding FrozenPie's Bill's hat, along with the keys, for a fabricated set of Earbuds.

    FrozenPie giving the metal;
    Flutter$hy returning her Quickfix in exchange for the two keys;
  4. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Can you please get the victim to post here to also explain what happened? It is a bit hard to follow regarding how and what Fluttershy scammed. Did Fluttershy get the Bills hat or just tried to get it?