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Accepted Report: 76561198042063782 (WTS> EARBUDS (PM ME) )

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Hodos, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Hodos

    Hodos New User

    Possible scammer, already tagged, though I should share some extra info.

    steamID: Jess - Sell> EARBUDS via Paypal steamID32: STEAM_0:0:40899027 steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042063782 customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JessicaBaby123 steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198042063782

    This guy added me on Friday I believe, started talking to me then voice chatted me. He asked me where I lived which was odd, he then said he lived in Brisbane, he saw I lived in Brisbane, and was wondering if I want to buy some of his promos. I look in his bp, he has 69 buds (lul) and a bills. I check his SR, he's clean, I ask him his price, he says if I meet him $20 cash in hand. I think why the hell not, I can easy sell for $33, that's like a 13x69 profit for me for absolutely nothing. We talked the general s✿✿✿ you talk when you're organising a trade, he tells me he's in uni, lives in a share house with a bunch of gamers and crap, I get his phone no, and facebook so I can contact me, and we arrange to meet on Sunday. Yes I did find it a tad weird, but he seemed genuine, and we arranged to meet in an open place so I knew there would be no rapin'. About 5 on Sunday, no text from him, so I think he was just f✿✿✿✿✿✿ around. He texts me at 8, asks me to come meet him, I tell him I'm busy so we arrange to meet at another time. He then starts selling for paypal at $31 each, which is fair enough. He texts me saying he'll save me 20 buds for $20 each. I check his SR again, see he has a couple of scammer tags and like 6 alts. I check out his alts, in the name historys of one it says he used to play comp CSS in my mates old clan. I text the supposed scammer about it straight away, he doesnt reply (surprise surprise) I text my mate, he says he remembers him. The reason saying this is because maybe those alts aren't all related to him, just live in the same house or some crap.

    Anyway, just thought I should post this, here's his phone no and facebook. Note that his facebook url and alternate name or whatever are the same as his old name and one of his "alts".



    (also I did something and the text turned bold, da fuq)

  2. mekeon

    mekeon Banned

    hilarious XD
  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Adding this to the notes- thank you for your report! :)