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Accepted Report: 76561198046018433 (cosmos)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty

    [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty New User

    steamID: [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:34775879
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029817487
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/slimecounty
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198029817487

    steamID: Cosmos
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42876352
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046018433
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046018433


    Cosmos, aka: skrall the interloper, ran a small TF2 trade/raffle group @ http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tradefun , he contacted me to help gather people to enter his Unusual raffle, he knew I could do the job because I run a small tf2 community. He said he only needed 10 keys left to raffle the hat off, and that his buddy who had the hat would trade it over once all entries were submitted.
    At first I didn't think anything of it, because he ran this trade/raffle group with almost 300 players in it, and I had witnessed the group give away quite a few hats and other items over the course of the few days I was a member. As you can see in my chats above, I became a bit suspicious once I got him all 10 entry fees and he kept stalling and putting the raffle off. The second I had the slightest hint that he wasn't being honest, I simply asked for our items back. He argued, refused, and went offline.
    I come home from work tonight to find that he's kicked me out of the group, posted several new announcements asking for more donations, then removed himself and some of the other group officers, all the while keeping the 9 keys + 2 refined metal + 1 reclaimed metal + 1 scrap that I traded over to him as raffle entries for myself, some friends, and fellow group members.
    Hopefully he didn't take advantage of any other players after that, but here is the list of people that I collected entry fees from, myself included, each one of them should be considered a victim of this scam.
    Paradox moth - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021170987
    Girs pet pig - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000061808
    sour - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027612064
    spicy lemon - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028654415
    bobthesanwich - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034244337/ (entered raffle twice, lost 2 keys)
    mysterious biscut - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045312178
    Renim Cat - steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016593811
    Drew P Cake - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044210490/
    SlimeCounty - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029817487

    Full transcript of yesterdays chat:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Monday, April 16, 2012
    7:46 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: ok i got you 3 entries
    7:49 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: 4 entries
    7:50 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: 5
    Skrall the Interloper is now Away.
    7:53 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: 6
    Skrall the Interloper is now Online.
    7:54 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: sour, spicylemon, mysterious biscutsky, girs pet pig, paradox moth, and myself
    7:54 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: you need to be here if you invite people to chat man
    Skrall the Interloper is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Skrall the Interloper is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    7:55 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: 4 spots left man
    7:56 PM - Skrall the Interloper: well igtg
    7:56 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: ?
    7:56 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: what, no
    7:56 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: just got another entry
    7:56 PM - Skrall the Interloper: yeah its taco night
    7:56 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: you're 3 away from raffling this off
    7:56 PM - Skrall the Interloper: well i really gtg maybe tomorrow
    7:57 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: DUDE
    7:57 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: NO
    7:57 PM - Skrall the Interloper: i really gtg
    7:57 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: THAT'S NOT HOW YOU RUN A GROUP MAN
    7:57 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: f✿✿✿ TACOS
    7:57 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: AND RAFFLE THIS OFF
    7:58 PM - Skrall the Interloper: fine give me the stuff then who else joined?
    7:59 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: i have entries from these people
    7:59 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: sour, spicylemon, mysterious biscutsky, girs pet pig, paradox moth, and myself
    7:59 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    7:59 PM - Skrall the Interloper: give me the stuff
    Skrall the Interloper has accepted your request to trade.
    8:00 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok well no one esle is buyin in bye
    8:00 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: no man
    8:00 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: c'mon
    8:01 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: stay, get your buddy online
    8:01 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: and find 3 more entries
    8:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: dud e ill be back in like an hour
    8:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok?
    8:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: an hour
    8:01 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: not really, that's bullshit
    8:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: tacos are good
    8:01 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: explain that to your community
    Skrall the Interloper is now Offline.
    Skrall the Interloper is now Online.
    8:56 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: got the other entries
    8:56 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    8:56 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: we were talking
    8:56 PM - Skrall the Interloper: bout what
    8:57 PM - Skrall the Interloper: you did the unusual raffle?
    8:57 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: would you let me do the raffle?...i'd use fraps to record the drawing, with a group chat live in the video, that way everyone can see what number actually gets picked and everyone can see the list
    8:58 PM - Skrall the Interloper: who else joined?
    8:58 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: these are the entries i've collected in order
    8:58 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: Paradox moth - http://steamcommunity.com/id/Paradox_moth//
    Girs pet pig - http://steamcommunity.com/id/girspetpig//
    Slime - 
    sour - http://steamcommunity.com/id/superscoot//
    spicy lemon - http://steamcommunity.com/id/irepicwin//
    bob - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034244337/
    bob - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034244337/
    mysterious biscut - http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheMysteriousBiscuit//
    Renim Cat - http://steamcommunity.com/id/notrenimcat// - 2 ref 1 rec 1 scrap
    Drew P Cake - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044210490/
    8:58 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: didn't put my url in there but o well
    8:59 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: bob the sanwich entered twice
    8:59 PM - Skrall the Interloper: yeah oh we;;
    8:59 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    8:59 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: so i was thinking
    8:59 PM - Skrall the Interloper: yeah?
    8:59 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: set up a quick list, in order
    8:59 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: these 10 are at the bottom as they are the last
    8:59 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: put in the entries you collected, try to get them in order, number them, and use random.org
    9:00 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    9:00 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: this way everyone can see the list and numbers beforehands, and in the video they'll be able to see which number gets picked
    9:00 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    9:00 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok i need the stuff
    9:01 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: if you wanna hit me up with the list of names you got, in order, i'll put the list together
    9:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    Skrall the Interloper has accepted your request to trade.
    9:02 PM - Skrall the Interloper: here can you ask for any last minute poeple to join
    9:02 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ?
    9:02 PM - Skrall the Interloper: you attract them better
    9:03 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: u said you had all you needed?
    9:03 PM - Skrall the Interloper: yeah but anyone who still wants to join'
    9:03 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: get the hat
    9:04 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    9:04 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: can you do that?
    9:04 PM - Skrall the Interloper: yeah
    9:04 PM - Skrall the Interloper: hold on
    9:04 PM - Skrall the Interloper: i think i might need more keys because hes now selling it for 23 keys because someone else is buying them :(
    9:05 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: i dont care man, you'll have to get it anyway
    9:05 PM - Skrall the Interloper: i know
    9:05 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: you told me, and i told everyone else
    9:05 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    9:05 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: this is exactly what i said would happen
    9:05 PM - Skrall the Interloper: hush im working
    9:07 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: dude, i already told everyone we had all the entries we needed
    9:08 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: stop taking entries and get the hat
    9:09 PM - Skrall the Interloper: im trying
    9:12 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: u got the full list of names yet?
    9:12 PM - Skrall the Interloper: yeah
    9:13 PM - Skrall the Interloper: 1.French the <<IFA>> Llama
    9:13 PM - Skrall the Interloper: 2.Fluttershy
    9:13 PM - Skrall the Interloper: 3.Skidds
    9:14 PM - Skrall the Interloper: 4. Garcia "f✿✿✿✿✿✿" Hotspur
    9:14 PM - Skrall the Interloper: 5. [TXPSTF2IL] death_melek
    9:15 PM - Skrall the Interloper: 6.yourself
    9:15 PM - Skrall the Interloper: 7. sour
    9:15 PM - Skrall the Interloper: 8.spicy lemon
    9:15 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: ok you can stop there
    9:15 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: i got it
    9:15 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok
    9:17 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: problem number 1 is you told me you already had 8 entries
    9:17 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: so right now you only have 15
    9:17 PM - Skrall the Interloper: no i have 18
    9:17 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: you said to get 10 more and i did
    9:17 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: who are the last 3?
    9:18 PM - Skrall the Interloper: oh me
    9:18 PM - Skrall the Interloper: and
    9:18 PM - Skrall the Interloper: Ass Meat
    9:18 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: thats two
    9:18 PM - Skrall the Interloper: yeah who you got down tell me
    9:19 PM - Skrall the Interloper: who do you have down?
    9:19 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: 01.French the <<IFA>> Llama
    04. Garcia "f✿✿✿✿✿✿" Hotspur
    05. [TXPSTF2IL] death_melek
    06.Paradox moth - http://steamcommunity.com/id/Paradox_moth//
    07.Girs pet pig - http://steamcommunity.com/id/girspetpig//
    08.Slime - 
    9.sour - http://steamcommunity.com/id/superscoot//
    10.spicy lemon - http://steamcommunity.com/id/irepicwin//
    11.bob - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034244337/
    12.bob - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034244337/
    13.mysterious biscut - http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheMysteriousBiscuit//
    14.Renim Cat - http://steamcommunity.com/id/notrenimcat// 
    15.Drew P Cake - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044210490/
    16. skrall
    9:21 PM - Skrall the Interloper: oh well domanic da dominator wants to join
    9:21 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: ok, that's 18 then, you talk to your buddy with the hat?
    9:21 PM - Skrall the Interloper: yeah hold on
    9:23 PM - Skrall the Interloper: domanics joining
    9:28 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok well he thought it was free
    9:28 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: what's the name of your buddy with the hat
    9:29 PM - Skrall the Interloper: oh im getting it
    9:30 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ima find an empty server
    9:30 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: for what?
    9:30 PM - Skrall the Interloper: while im getting it
    9:30 PM - Skrall the Interloper: for tf2
    9:30 PM - Skrall the Interloper: the raffle
    9:30 PM - Skrall the Interloper: and to play
    9:31 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: raffle doesn't need to take place in a server, as most of these people aren't online
    9:31 PM - Skrall the Interloper: true
    9:32 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: so who's the guy with the hat
    9:32 PM - Skrall the Interloper: hold on im getting it
    9:32 PM - Skrall the Interloper: patience
    9:32 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: that's fine, i'd just like to know who it is
    9:33 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: ya gotta be able to answer questions like these, or no one's gonna trust you in your group man
    9:33 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: everything has to be transparent
    9:33 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok im just doing some things
    9:33 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: that's great, just gimmie the name of the guy with the hat
    9:38 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: well?
    Skrall the Interloper is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    9:50 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: so what's going on man, i got people asking me questions
    9:53 PM - Skrall the Interloper: ok im buying it now
    9:53 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: ok, well that only takes a second
    9:53 PM - Skrall the Interloper: too many errors
    Skrall the Interloper is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    9:54 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: get out of trade servers
    9:54 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: and trade
    9:54 PM - Skrall the Interloper: i am
    9:58 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: you should have it by now
    9:58 PM - Skrall the Interloper: TO MANY THINGS HES CHOOSING
    9:58 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: well look, you got 1 minute, before i ask for the 9 keys and metal back
    9:59 PM - Skrall the Interloper: im the admin i can ban you
    9:59 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: i got 9 people on my ass, because you're messing around
    9:59 PM - Skrall the Interloper: tommorow i need more people
    10:00 PM - Skrall the Interloper: I NEED MORE PEPOLE
    10:00 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: no, sorry, i have to ask for the keys and metal back
    10:00 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: i told everyone that if you didn't get it, i'd get the s✿✿✿ back
    Skrall the Interloper did not respond to the trade request.
    10:01 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: hey, i need those items back now
    10:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: no
    10:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: tomorrow
    10:01 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: no
    10:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: we
    10:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: are
    10:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: having
    10:01 PM - Skrall the Interloper: it
    10:02 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: maybe you are, but not with the 9 keys and metal i traded you today
    10:02 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: i need those back
    10:02 PM - Skrall the Interloper: no im ready for tommorow
    10:02 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: those members are withdrawing their entry
    Skrall the Interloper has declined your trade request.
    10:03 PM - [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty: 9 keys, 2 refined 1 reclaimed and 1 scrap
    Skrall the Interloper is now Offline.
  2. [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty

    [TF2gods.com] SlimeCounty New User

  3. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Marking now, thanks for the report.