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Accepted Report: 76561198046664105 (AaronDuong)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Skullfuckers Incorporated, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Skullfuckers Incorporated

    Skullfuckers Incorporated New User

    Victim (me):
    steamID: Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:12019408
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984304544
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/transfoguy
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561197984304544
    SOP forum account: SkullsuckersIncorp

    steamID: TheRealAaron
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:43199188
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046664105
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AaronDuong
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198046664105
    No SOP account, as far as I know


    Description: I encountered this individual after he added me as a friend. He saw a trade I had made on TF2TP (http://tf2tp.com/trade.php?trade=5301832), and I thought he was just responding to the offer. His backpack was private (a warning sign I should have heeded) and his SteamRep was clean. I'll admit, he had patience; this whole chat took place over the course of about seven or eight hours. He told me to trade in-game, and I thought nothing of it. The outcome was that we made the trade, an Earbuds for a wrapped gift, and the gift turned out to be an Enthusiast's Timepiece, not a Vintage Fan O' War.

    TheRealAaron: Hey.
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Hello
    TheRealAaron: i finally find someone who wants vintage fan'o'war thats uncraftable
    TheRealAaron: how much you paying for it?
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: An Earbuds, most likely
    TheRealAaron: a clean one is worth 2 buds so i guess uncraft is 1 bud, as long as you take care of wrapping
    TheRealAaron: im fine with your offer :)
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: All righty, let me get the Earbud and wrap
    TheRealAaron: how long would you reckon it'll take?
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Not long, hopefully within the hour
    TheRealAaron: cool
    TheRealAaron: i might have to leave soon but just try your best :)
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Will do
    TheRealAaron: hey, is there perhaps any other offer you can do that won't take as long?
    TheRealAaron: i don't mind if its a bit under buds
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Not at the moment, sorry, how long will you be going offline for?
    TheRealAaron: well ts 12pm where i am now so perhaps 2 hours?
    TheRealAaron: i just need to pick up something.
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Oh, that's fine, it's 5:00PM here so I'll still be here
    TheRealAaron: cool. are you selling houwar for the buds?
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: No sir, I'm buying a pair with Paypal, that's why it's taking so long
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: I only used the HOUWAR as a placeholder on TF2TP
    TheRealAaron: oh, how much you paying?
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: $30
    TheRealAaron: ok cool
    TheRealAaron: well im off now.
    TheRealAaron: i'll see you soon :)
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: All right, later, good luck with whatever you're gonna do lol
    TheRealAaron: wait you know what? if you like,
    TheRealAaron: i'd be happy to sell my fan'o'war for $30
    TheRealAaron: oh no wait, i don't habve paypal.
    TheRealAaron: don't worry hahaha
    TheRealAaron: im an idiot
    TheRealAaron: ok, see you soon then :)
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: No worries, see you in a bit
    TheRealAaron is now Offline.
    TheRealAaron is now Online.
    TheRealAaron: hey
    TheRealAaron: sorry for keeping you waiting.
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: No worries, welcome back
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: I got the wrap and buds
    TheRealAaron: cool
    TheRealAaron: kets trade
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Do you mind if we use collateral for the wrap? Nothing personal, I'm just slightly paranoid when it comes to this kind of thing
    TheRealAaron: sorry?
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Ah, never mind, we can go without it
    TheRealAaron: cool, lol i didn't get what you meant
    TheRealAaron: i gotta get in the game now right? to wrap it
    TheRealAaron: get back to you in a sec
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Usually when people are doing multiple trades they'll trade items to make sure the other person runs off with it
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: And okay
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: * doesn't run off with it
    TheRealAaron: oh i getcha
    TheRealAaron: and im running this on my mac
    TheRealAaron: so it takes some time,
    TheRealAaron: sorry about that
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: No worries, I can stay on for fifteen more minutes
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: But it won't take that long
    TheRealAaron: yeah
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: (I hope lol)
    TheRealAaron: ?
    TheRealAaron: i just got dced..
    TheRealAaron: hey, mind if i switch comps
    TheRealAaron: i never liked to trust my ac with games
    TheRealAaron: i'd be a sec
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Go for it
    TheRealAaron: cool
    TheRealAaron is now Offline.
    TheRealAaron is now Online.
    TheRealAaron: hey hold on.
    TheRealAaron: theres something wrong with this.
    TheRealAaron: please be patient, im sorry .
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: That's fine, but I'm gonna grab some dinner in a bit so I'll be gone for about twenty minutes
    TheRealAaron: sure take your time, i just have to figure this out
    TheRealAaron: i'll be as quick as i can
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Okay
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: I'll be back in a bit
    TheRealAaron: cool, see you then
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Likewise
    TheRealAaron: hey you there?
    TheRealAaron: i got it working
    TheRealAaron: damnit you're gone hahah
    TheRealAaron: well im going to get something to easy so i'll be away from my comp
    TheRealAaron: i'll talk to you as soon as i get back
    TheRealAaron is now Away.
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: All right now I'm back
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Glad you got your comp fixed
    TheRealAaron: ok cool
    TheRealAaron: trade on tf2?
    Skullf✿✿✿ers Incorporated: Sure
    TheRealAaron: hop on
    TheRealAaron: thanks mate
    TheRealAaron: take care
    TheRealAaron is now Offline.