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Accepted Report: 76561198055523948 (Makarov)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by White_ViRuZ, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. White_ViRuZ

    White_ViRuZ New User

    steamID: [Buying>D3]Kobe24
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41367282
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043000293
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kobe_Black_Mamba
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198043000293

    steamID: Makarov
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:47629110
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055523948
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198055523948


    Never tell your password to anyone.
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: yes?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: HI
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/560608_411254765563966_701629383_n.jpg
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: Interesed?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/560608_411254765563966_701629383_n.jpg
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: Interesed?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Wait
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Ru bro?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: RU?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Hello bro?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: u there
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3 is now Away.
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3 is now Online.
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: nono
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: is region global
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: oh
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: U have facebook?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: Yes
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: give
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: and we cam
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: i have not cam
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003294626890&ref=tn_tnmn
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: my facebook
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: oh
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: u hav no cam
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: It is a account?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: yes account
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Does it hav protection?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: and how we can do this
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: you have steam games?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: yes
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: which?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Black Ops 2
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: Only?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: I can add dota 2
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: or The San Francisco
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: Black ops 2 + dota = tradeable?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: yep
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: ok
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: how we can do this
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: it can use real money auction house
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: how is that?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: my friend want hungary
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: I have not installed diablo 3 now
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: oh
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: unused?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198055523948ç
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198055523948
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: yes unused
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: so
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: how we can do this
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: i will give 1st?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: yes?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: u can give me the adress of the account?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: and u buy it
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: email?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: The receipt
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: email?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: my email?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Does it hav Changeble battle tag
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: and Account name
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Bro are u playing?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: it seems u are busy
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: [email protected]
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: battle.tag not, my email is [email protected]
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: my email
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: The battle tag is not changable?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: still not got nothing ..
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: send the proofs to my email
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: coz bro its hard
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Coz i saw it RU
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/560608_411254765563966_701629383_n.jpg
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3 is now playing Counter-Strike. Click here to join.
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: bro the receipt
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: one sec
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: pls dont play cs -.-
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Done dude?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: xD
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: I'm taking pictures
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: coz it is Ru
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: im afraid if it is RU in my computer
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: lol, is region global
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s480x480/581077_234200763366409_1221776067_n.jpg
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Can u use gold auction?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: yes
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: u sure?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: yes
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: i ssay u hav no diablo
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: ¿?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: U say u hav no diablo i mean
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: not interested in my account?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: im interested buddy
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Im afraid if it is RU
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: and u are not willing to go 1st
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: I told you that is not Russian!
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: how come bro?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: Look, you give me a game, I give the account looks etc, and then gives me another game ok?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3 has accepted your request to trade.
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: kk
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: 1:1:1
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: ?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: Yes.
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Choose?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: bo2
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: this 1st bro
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: if I get a cheap perdere instead gives me the BO2 and will not miss any
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: ok this is the process
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: i will give 3 dota
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: then if u already give the account
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: u will give me 2 dota and i trade u bo2?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Bro I will not scam you im a trader too
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: 3 dota + driver? and then I return 2 gives dota?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: 2 gives dota?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: 2 dota + driver
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: sorry
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Coz u hav no rep here
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: all is troll bro
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: And u hav no cam
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198055523948
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Its so hard for me
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Dude
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: maybe this is ur 1st scam
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: so?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: ok, 3 dota but please do not cheat me!
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: yes
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Pls check my prof if i cheat you
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: i hav 81 reps
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: All are reps
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Steam Rating 10
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: I just want to buy d3
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: will trust in you!
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: ok bro
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: you there mate?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Hello>?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: hey
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: xD
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: give 3 dota?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: you said you go first
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: no, I said that accepts 3 gives first and then gave him the account and then gave him 2 gives you 2 and BO2
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: 1:1:1
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: its not 1:1:1
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: it is 3:1:3
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: ready
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Waiting to other players to accept
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: are u Juanma
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: The re picture
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: ??
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: red* picture
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: xD
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: ?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: im scammed!
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: did not understand your question
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Ahttp://steamcommunity.com/id/Juanma1233
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: are u this one
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: if I am that, but because I say scammer?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: I see you still do not accept the exchange, because I say scammer?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: are u that?
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: This is hard decision dude
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: and where u got the account
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: i need answers
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: ?????
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: and showed him pictures.
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: that not enough proof
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: show me a proof that we are chatting
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: one sec
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: and make it more bright
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: It isblured
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/179136_417568248265951_279475300_n.jpg
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: ok
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: :D
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Lets do this
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: seens edit
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Bro
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: yes
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: Already acepted
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: ok
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: done
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: agree to exchange and give the account details
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: yes
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: bro?
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: 1 sec
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: give me the email
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: pass and secret answer
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: yes
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: thanks]
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3: 1 second you change the password
    [Buying>D3]Kobe24: give me the details bro
    Juanma [H] Diablo 3 is now Offline.

    He want to trade his diablo 3 to my steam games. pls banned this. Thanks God Bless
  2. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    Thank you for the report. Based on the evidence supplied, this should be enough for a scammer tag.