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Archived Report: 76561198056548776 (SMPLY. Tycoon )(hacked)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Derongan, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. Derongan

    Derongan New User

    Scammer Hacked Account:

    steamID: SMPLY. Tycoon
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48141524
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056548776
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TycoonONSTEAM
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056548776

    Same Account:

    steamID: SMPLY. Tycoon
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48141524
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056548776
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TycoonONSTEAM
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056548776

    Chat log: (Missed where he posted the actual link, but this is more than enough)

    Derongan: I are confuzled
    Derongan: :3
    Derongan: It installed some bot that makes you spam right
    SMPLY. Tycoon: nope
    SMPLY. Tycoon: im not bot ;p
    Derongan: What says the stuff then
    SMPLY. Tycoon: ?
    SMPLY. Tycoon: i dont understand
    Derongan: OH you dont know then
    Derongan: Well you randomly spammed me with a link to a youtube vid claiming to dupe hats
    SMPLY. Tycoon: nope
    Derongan: Your account did
    SMPLY. Tycoon: im hacked this acc, because he download my virus
    SMPLY. Tycoon: and i spam everyone now
    SMPLY. Tycoon: from this acc
    Derongan: ah
    Derongan: Thats a pathetic way of doing it honestly
    SMPLY. Tycoon: :(
    Derongan: Howd you get the passes on the bot? Does it just ask them for a password then email you it?
    SMPLY. Tycoon: nope
    SMPLY. Tycoon: he download my virus
    Derongan: Which has a keylogger that tells you when he types his pass in?
    SMPLY. Tycoon: yep
    SMPLY. Tycoon: simple
    Derongan: So in other words Im safe
    SMPLY. Tycoon: of course man, if you don't stupid
    SMPLY. Tycoon: you're safwe
    Derongan: Did you write the keylogger or did you borrow one?
    SMPLY. Tycoon: i did
    SMPLY. Tycoon: btw. You' have nice stuff man
    Derongan: Yes I bet you want it
    SMPLY. Tycoon: Why i said you about hack :(
    Derongan: Hopefully you dont get my acc some other way. Steam support is so slow :p
    SMPLY. Tycoon: i dont need acc's
    SMPLY. Tycoon: just tf2 items
    SMPLY. Tycoon: i will give back account to owner
    Derongan: What language did you write the logger in?
    SMPLY. Tycoon: c++ and i did panel in mysql
    Derongan: So it keylogs then jamms it into a mysql database
    SMPLY. Tycoon: jamms?
    SMPLY. Tycoon: Sorry im not english language user mainly
    Derongan: Puts
    SMPLY. Tycoon: xd
    Derongan: It gets the key presses and puts them into a MYSQL database
    SMPLY. Tycoon: yep
    SMPLY. Tycoon: you wanna help me with my idea?:D
    SMPLY. Tycoon: 40% for you
    Derongan: Of course not
    SMPLY. Tycoon: ayayay
    SMPLY. Tycoon: why
    Derongan: Because its a bit of a dickish thing to do
    SMPLY. Tycoon: but man
    Derongan: So? I can profit and not be a detriment to society at the same time
    SMPLY. Tycoon: :(

    Pics also attached
  2. Derongan

    Derongan New User

    I cant close a thread, but this is no longer valid. Account has been restored.
  3. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Please have the hijacked individual post screenshots of the entire steam ticket.
  4. Derongan

    Derongan New User

    Sigh really? Now the guy has to prove that hes back on his account. Not like he was ever marked :p. Ill talk to him *sigh*