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Declined Report: 76561198059622563 (ÈÅÆM ace soRRY)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Backseatsman, May 9, 2012.

  1. Backseatsman

    Backseatsman New User


    steamID: J△G™ Backseatsman
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:31430526
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023126780
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thisistomsspace
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198023126780


    steamID: ÈÅÆM ace soRRY
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49678417
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059622563
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059622563

    -I took some but it turns out they just screenshooted the scoreboard

    What happened:

    Basically I was traded by this guy ace. He said he was looking for unusual's for his unusual as it was his birthday. I asked him to put up his unusual and he put up a non-craftable Chieftains Challenge. He said it was 'on fire' effect but it had lost its purple border. I then kept him in trade while I got his id ect and I put up my unusual he said that even though he was ripping himself off he would do the trade. He clicked ready and kept saying 'c'mon' and 'ready' in chat. The scam did not actually happen as I cancelled, but I think this guy should be marked before someone foolish enough actually fools for this.

    Chat Logs:

    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: hi
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: it'ss my bday im selling unusall for unusall 17:51:15
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY added Chieftain's Challenge 17:51:21
    J△G™ Backseatsman: ok 17:51:23
    J△G™ Backseatsman: That's not unusual 17:51:33
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: the ourobke ckour is desperrd 17:51:39
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: the purple clour 17:51:51
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: its feiry effect 17:52:03
    J△G™ Backseatsman: Really? 17:52:07
    J△G™ Backseatsman: I like the chieftains 17:52:15
    J△G™ Backseatsman: well 17:52:17
    You added Unusual Industrial Festivizer 17:52:29
    You added Unusual Sober Stuntman 17:52:30
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: i overpay but ready 17:52:34
    J△G™ Backseatsman: my 2 for your 1? 17:52:37
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY is ready 17:52:43
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: ready 17:52:56
    J△G™ Backseatsman: sec 17:53:06
    J△G™ Backseatsman: Sorry man, I wasn't born yesterday, I know you are trying to scam me 17:53:56
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: ready 17:53:57
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: no 17:54:07
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: i swear it's unusall 17:54:14
    ÈÅÆM ace soRRY: but don't bp me as it is steam brken they nvr wrk 17:54:18

    I lost the rest of the chat which was basically him saying how 'rare' the hat was because when I was highlighting it he cancelled.
    I hope this helps,
  2. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    If you have no screenshot, and if no trade actually hapenned, which also mean no way to proove with the inventory History that a trade hapenned, i'm pretty sure there's not enough proof to mark him as a scammer IMO.
  3. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Unfortunately, without screenshots, it's all heresay and I don't think the admins can do much about it.
  4. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Unfortunately, we cannot do anything without more information.