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Archived Report: 76561198069290964 - (JVIuddy / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [MiT] How2Demo, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. [MiT] How2Demo

    [MiT] How2Demo New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198069290964 (JVIuddy)

    Victim profile: 76561198090427995

    What happened? Description:
    Stupid me was added by JVIuddy, saying he was very interested in my Circling Peace Sign Hustler's Hallmark. He said he was willing to pay real world money in the form of Paypal. He asked for collateral, then he would put in the 80$ and we would trade back. I asked if he wanted to use a middleman, he said no, which should have tipped me off. Then i gave him a steaming Gentleman's Ushanka as collateral. I then asked for some other stuff, as a sort of collateral for my collateral. He said then that he sent the money and we would trade back. I never got the money- if necessary i can link/screenshot/whatever my paypal account. I am not inclined to believe him, as after i asked what happened to my medic unusual, he replied with http://puu.sh/76rsL.png. I trusted him based on profile rep, another rookie mistake.​

    Provide Evidence:
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: Im pissing him off
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: so bad
    hao2stoopid#sux#scamed: Can you screenshot the caht
    hao2stoopid#sux#scamed: chat
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: He just blocked me
    hao2stoopid#sux#scamed: and send it to me
    hao2stoopid#sux#scamed: please
    hao2stoopid#sux#scamed: i am reporting him
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: I did
    hao2stoopid#sux#scamed: thank you
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: Michael, You're a scammer and you know it
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: You should be shamed of your self
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: <->
    JVIuddy: ?
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: scammer
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: Scammm
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: scam
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: <-<
    JVIuddy: who is this?
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: well
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: The person who you scammed, friend
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: :3
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: scammer
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: scammer
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: scammer
    JVIuddy: he scammed me
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: Hah
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: Don't lie
    JVIuddy: I gave him 80 dollars paypal
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: I have all the posts f✿✿
    JVIuddy: and he acted like he didnt get it
    JVIuddy: yeah me to
    JVIuddy: go f✿✿✿ yourself he scammed me i lost 80 bucks and he says i didnt
    JVIuddy: i also
    JVIuddy: i also do
    [MiT] TSM #JVluddy Scammer: you traded his medic items for your stupid demo unusual
    That was my friend trying to help me out.
    I can provide further evidence in private, such as screenshots of email and paypal, i'm not comfortable with that information here for all to see.​

    Attached Files:

  2. [MiT] How2Demo

    [MiT] How2Demo New User

  3. Penguin The Fluffy

    Penguin The Fluffy Articus Birdicus Defenderus Retired Staff

    Please provide screenshots of your paypal history showing that you did not receive any payments, as well any other information that you could give us to help with the investigation. If you are not comfortable posting any information in the report, then send it to me in a PM and I will make sure the information is reviewed.
  4. Towlie

    Towlie New User

    This shows no real proof that I scammed everyone I was looking to purchase his unusual hustlers hallmark and then I asked for him to go first. he asked for collateral I told him no thanks and then he said he will give me collateral also then he traded me the officers unusual ushanka. After I received the collateral i sent him 80 dollars via paypal and sent him screen shots of me sending it. I worked together with him for about 3 or 4 days trying to figure out what was wrong. Eventually I realized that he had just received the money and was trying to get his original unusual so I removed him and just traded off his unusual.

    I have seen this report a while ago but I thought that it would be obvious that there is no evidence of any scamming going on. Having a pending report is hurting my image and I would like for the report to be closed.
  5. [MiT] How2Demo

    [MiT] How2Demo New User

    That's my paypal history from before my account was made to today.
    Please show me where you can tell that i received my payment.

    Attached Files:

  6. Edward.

    Edward. SteamRep Admin Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:

    Don't see the agreement about the trade from the Steam chat screenshot(s), I will be archiving this report for lack of evidence.

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