1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Pending Report: 76561198070655373 - (LORD OF WAR / [Steam] Trading Cards)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Captain Hindsight, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Captain Hindsight

    Captain Hindsight New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [Steam] Trading Cards

    Accused profile: 76561198070655373 (LORD OF WAR)

    Victim profile: 76561198048540399

    What happened? Description:
    User added me and asked me if i had trading cards,
    i had 3 .. he offered me 2$ steam wallet which would automatically appear in my steam ;)

    ofcourse he wanted me to send the cards first ....

    Sounded too good to be true so i trapped him in my scammer ip trap.

    his ip adress:

    Trace it here:

    Provide Evidence:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    LORD OF WAR: hello
    Captain Hindsight: ey
    LORD OF WAR: do you have trading cards?
    Captain Hindsight: yes some
    LORD OF WAR: how much
    Captain Hindsight: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/753/6/673634962/?l=english&o=76561198048540399

    Captain Hindsight: x
    Captain Hindsight: 2x
    Captain Hindsight: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/753/6/675705151/?l=english&o=76561198048540399

    Captain Hindsight: 1x
    LORD OF WAR: just those?
    Captain Hindsight: yes maam
    LORD OF WAR: i want it for 2$ steam money?
    Captain Hindsight: okay
    You have accepted the trade request from LORD OF WAR.
    LORD OF WAR: the money send as gift without trade
    Captain Hindsight: i dont understand
    Captain Hindsight: i just give you the cards?
    Captain Hindsight: then i get the money?
    LORD OF WAR: yes
    Captain Hindsight: where does it say that?
    Captain Hindsight: so i should just accept now and send the trade?
    LORD OF WAR: yes
    LORD OF WAR: then i will send the money
    LORD OF WAR: as soon as i get the cards
    LORD OF WAR: ok?
    Captain Hindsight: and that is steam money?
    LORD OF WAR: yes
    Captain Hindsight: it give me some steam error
    Captain Hindsight: :(
    Captain Hindsight: like this
    Captain Hindsight: what should i do
    Captain Hindsight: http://www.wrick.nl/image.php?img=IMG_6346.jpg
    Captain Hindsight: might be trying to impersonate\
    Captain Hindsight: user
    LORD OF WAR: wait i will see it
    Captain Hindsight: nice ip
    Captain Hindsight:
    LORD OF WAR: haha f✿✿✿ you
    LORD OF WAR: i am not scammer
    Captain Hindsight: your from jordan
    Captain Hindsight: i see :p0
    LORD OF WAR: yes
    LORD OF WAR: So?
    Captain Hindsight: Jordan Data Communications Company LLC
    LORD OF WAR: ?
    LORD OF WAR: what that mean?
    Captain Hindsight: im now sending
    Captain Hindsight: mail to your isp
    Captain Hindsight: scam attempt
    Captain Hindsight: stealing attempt
    Captain Hindsight: you cant send steam wallet man :)
    Captain Hindsight: lol
    LORD OF WAR: hahaha
    LORD OF WAR: it's not steam wallet
    LORD OF WAR: in christmas
    Captain Hindsight: :D
    LORD OF WAR: the steam make steam wallet gift
    LORD OF WAR: so i can send​

    Attached Files: