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Archived Report: 76561198074785322 (AddictedToBacon #Minato //[TF2] Items

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [TNC] Phoenix®, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. [TNC] Phoenix®

    [TNC] Phoenix® New User

    | steamname: AddictedToBacon #Minato
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57259797
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074785322
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/addictedtobacon
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198074785322

    | steamname: [TNC] Phoenix®
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:23545865
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007357459
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198007357459

    1st screenshots shows the conversation in normal chatt.
    addicted to bacon.png
    2nd screenshot shows the trade history.
    trade history.png
    3rd screenshot shows me trying to add him again but I get the message "Kunde inte lägga till vän. Vänligen försök igen", which means, "Could not add friend. Please try again".
    could not add.png

    I had an ad on backpack.tf where I was selling mantreads for 1 scrap each.
    Above guy added me and wanted to buytone. I added the mantreads and he added an item. His item was loading and steam has been slow today for some reason. I accepted the trade because it was only one item for a scrap I was trading so no real risk for loss.
    I then saw he had put on a chemistry set when the trade was completed, which I recieved instead of 1 scrap. I informed him about it and without giving me the chance to correct he unfriended me and said I was gonna be reported. Since then I been trying to add him but cannot since he blocked me(?).

    I do not know how to trade back, since he removed me right away from his friends list and he made sure I can not add him back. So how should I proceed?
    It says on his SteamRep that he is banned for "Impersonation of a TF2WH bot".

    Avslöja aldrig ditt lösenord för någon.
    [TNC] Phoenix®: hi
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: hi
    [TNC] Phoenix®: what can i do for you?
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: mantreads for a scrap
    Du har accepterat bytesförfrågan från AddictedToBacon #Minato.
    [TNC] Phoenix®: my inven is loading
    [TNC] Phoenix®: dude you put the wrong item
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: what?
    [TNC] Phoenix®: i think you put anitem worth more then a scrap here
    [TNC] Phoenix®: lol XD
    [TNC] Phoenix®: you gave me a chemistry set
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: oh.
    [TNC] Phoenix®: jesus man
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: have change?
    [TNC] Phoenix®: pay attention to what you put on the trade
    [TNC] Phoenix®: XD
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: well will you give change?
    [TNC] Phoenix®: no its fine
    [TNC] Phoenix®: its only one scrap
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: scammer
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: getting reported.
    [TNC] Phoenix®: what?
    AddictedToBacon #Minato är nu Offline.
  2. [TNC] Phoenix®

    [TNC] Phoenix® New User


    Here is also a screenshot of the ad on backpack.tf
    add on backpack.png
  3. AddictedToBacon

    AddictedToBacon Banned on SteamRep

    This is all fake. I may be marked as a scammer, but this person has no actual proof. I have added him, and I have never blocked him. I have asked him to answer a question. The question was,"Do you have axact proof that I blocked you?" He kept on changing the topic. He denyed my question. Later, he asks me if I still want to complete the trade. Here is the whole chat./7:09 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: hi
    7:09 PM - AddictedToBacon: ..
    7:09 PM - AddictedToBacon: as you can see
    7:09 PM - AddictedToBacon: i ddi not block you.
    7:09 PM - AddictedToBacon: you reported me
    7:10 PM - AddictedToBacon: you coulve added me
    7:10 PM - AddictedToBacon: but you never did
    7:10 PM - AddictedToBacon: why do you suspect this
    7:10 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: you blocked me, tried to add you
    7:10 PM - AddictedToBacon: i never
    7:10 PM - AddictedToBacon: ever
    7:10 PM - AddictedToBacon: blocked you.
    7:10 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: and screenshot shows what you told me before disconnecting
    7:10 PM - AddictedToBacon: i have never blockd anyone i dont know.
    7:10 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: why you added me i assume has to do with something?
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: yes
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: false reportinjg me
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: thats what.
    7:11 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: no
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: yes.
    7:11 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: i provided all proof
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: no
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: you proveided
    7:11 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: nope, was there anything else?
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: suspicion
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: no [roof
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: ata all
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: that is waht you ssupected
    7:11 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: its in their hands
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: wasnt it?
    7:11 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: nope
    7:11 PM - AddictedToBacon: yes
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: you said
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: quote on quote
    7:12 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: dude ,what do you want?
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: i think he blocked me, so ican never add him
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: your false reporting me
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: for no reason.
    7:12 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: no i did not
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: yes
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: you you did
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: all that "proof"
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: was what you suspected.
    7:12 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: read the conversation, you gave me a wrong item and wrote "reported"
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: ok
    7:12 PM - AddictedToBacon: look
    7:13 PM - AddictedToBacon: lets see.
    7:13 PM - AddictedToBacon: did i block you
    7:13 PM - AddictedToBacon: did i?
    7:13 PM - AddictedToBacon: if so
    7:13 PM - AddictedToBacon: how are you soooo sure about that?
    7:13 PM - AddictedToBacon: exactly. that proves my point.
    7:13 PM - AddictedToBacon: you're not even sure.
    7:13 PM - AddictedToBacon: it is what you suspected.
    7:14 PM - AddictedToBacon: not proof.
    7:14 PM - AddictedToBacon: i dont understand why someone like you.
    7:14 PM - AddictedToBacon: would go areound
    7:14 PM - AddictedToBacon: reporting people
    7:14 PM - AddictedToBacon: for no reason
    7:14 PM - AddictedToBacon: especially someone like me.
    7:14 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: i will follow whatever the admins on steamrep decides
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: you will folow whatever they say?
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: and
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: why are they saying i t?
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: because you false reported me.
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: thats why.
    7:15 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: harassing me or trying to push me wont make a difference
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: no
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: i just came here
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: so
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: i can know
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: why?
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: what is the EXACT RPOOF
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: answer my question
    7:15 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: screenshots are in the report
    7:15 PM - AddictedToBacon: answer my quiestion from before
    7:15 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: read it
    7:16 PM - AddictedToBacon: how are you soooooo sure i blocked you huh?
    7:16 PM - AddictedToBacon: answer it
    7:16 PM - AddictedToBacon: answer it.
    7:16 PM - AddictedToBacon: asnwer it
    7:17 PM - AddictedToBacon: you kpet on changing the topic.
    7:17 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: AddictedToBacon #Minato: scammer
    AddictedToBacon #Minato: getting reported.
    7:17 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: did you write that?
    7:17 PM - AddictedToBacon: wait
    7:17 PM - AddictedToBacon: im gonna go see the shots.
    7:18 PM - AddictedToBacon: and
    7:18 PM - AddictedToBacon: answer my question
    7:18 PM - AddictedToBacon: quit changing the topic.
    7:18 PM - AddictedToBacon: answer it.
    7:18 PM - [TNC] Phoenix® is now playing Napoleon: Total War. Click here to join.
    7:18 PM - AddictedToBacon: you're proving my point even more now.
    7:19 PM - AddictedToBacon: ok
    7:19 PM - AddictedToBacon: well
    7:19 PM - AddictedToBacon: here's the thing
    7:19 PM - AddictedToBacon: i never actually reported you btw.
    7:19 PM - AddictedToBacon: i just said that.
    7:19 PM - AddictedToBacon: i was pisserd that day
    7:19 PM - AddictedToBacon: becausei was scammed.
    7:20 PM - AddictedToBacon: like
    7:20 PM - AddictedToBacon: 3-4 keys.
    7:20 PM - AddictedToBacon: second of all.
    7:20 PM - AddictedToBacon: anser the question
    7:21 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: you dont deny thats your comment
    7:21 PM - AddictedToBacon: i dont
    7:21 PM - AddictedToBacon: but
    7:21 PM - AddictedToBacon: iwant you to answer my qwuestion
    7:21 PM - AddictedToBacon: quit changing the topic
    7:21 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: and if you look in the report i provided screenshot trying to add you
    7:21 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: which was not possible
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: well
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: is that really my fault?
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: you cant just
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: assume
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: that i blocked you
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: just becauser you cant add me
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: thats happened to me tons of times
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: and they have enver blcke dme
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: again
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: your assuming
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: no actual
    7:22 PM - AddictedToBacon: proof
    7:23 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: dude i made this report long ago, tried and tried to get you added. I added randoms to see that my steam was not wrong, which it was NOT. I restarted my computer just because of you.
    7:23 PM - AddictedToBacon: long ago?
    7:23 PM - AddictedToBacon: really?
    7:23 PM - AddictedToBacon: it was less than a mont hago
    7:23 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: dude i wont debate this with you. You still didnt give me the right item.
    7:23 PM - AddictedToBacon: Discussion in 'Report a Scam' started by [TNC] Phoenix®, Jan 11, 2014.
    7:23 PM - AddictedToBacon: Jan 11, 2014
    7:23 PM - AddictedToBacon: what does that say?
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: i didnt give you the right item?
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: you're proving my point
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: let me see.
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: i said
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: wil ou give change?
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: you say
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: no itsf ine
    7:24 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: do you have a scrap on you?
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: its onyl a scrap
    7:24 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: i still have you your item in my bp
    7:24 PM - AddictedToBacon: im not giving it to youa t this point
    7:25 PM - AddictedToBacon: do you really expect me to give you items when you have rreported me?
    7:25 PM - AddictedToBacon: for no reason?
    7:26 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: I would gladly give back the item you traded me instead of the scrap that was intended.
    7:26 PM - [TNC] Phoenix®: will you do the trade now?
    7:26 PM - AddictedToBacon: Why should I?
    7:27 PM - AddictedToBacon: And why wont you asnwer my question?
    7:27 PM - AddictedToBacon: you know why?
    7:28 PM - AddictedToBacon: because you ahve
    7:28 PM - AddictedToBacon: no proof.

    He had no actual evidence. He assumed all of this. I never blocked him. He was fine with what I gave him. I never actually reported him. He denyed my question and kept on changing the topic.
  4. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Not a scam here.
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