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Evidence Provided Report: 76561198078935690 - (sNAKOR / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by KnFox, May 25, 2014.

  1. KnFox

    KnFox Unconfirmed Reports

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198078935690 (sNAKOR)

    Victim profile: 76561198061389776

    What happened? Description:
    He added me to ask if I want to sell keys for PayPal, I said no. After some time he said that some noob is smeevil for cheap and he wants to borrow my keys. I gave him 10 keys and he didn't send me money on PayPal. He had good rep, but he has ruined his rep for just some keys. I'm posting pics of steam chat logs, I request you to ban him.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

    • 1.jpg
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      227.7 KB
    • 2.jpg
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      169.4 KB
    • 3.jpg
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      169.8 KB
    • 4.jpg
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      161.9 KB
    • 5.jpg
      File size:
      232 KB
  2. M'aiq

    M'aiq New User

    Proofs? Like inventory history screenshot?
  3. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

    Hello, im sNAKOR, the owner of the above account. just write with my second acc here because i got hacked yestreday 24/05/2014 CET 20:18

    I got a pm from a friendly trader that to a fake tf2arena site where a broken video was. the video tells me to download adobeplugin.exe. my bad, my mistake, so dumb because of no sleep i gave the exe a try.
    the exe is a vbs script who edited all my security things on my open steam account. i immedatly wrote a ticket at steam, but they seem to be sleepy like a sqirrel in winter.
    i lost 60-80 tf2 keys and some expensive gifts (3x assetto corsa, batman arkham origins + season pass, memory of eldurim and some more)
    i never scammed someone before, i sometimes gave gamekeys for free at my friends, ask them.
    my rep at steamtrades had never before negative sice today. why i should scam anyone for only 10 keys if i had many keys and games on it? that make no sense for me.

    here is the link to my steamtrades site, please read there the german commentary from KillingArts,too.

    I traded with KnFox before some days, i think it was Tropico 5 PreOrder with all Rewards for 7 tf2 keys, it was nice and smooth trade.
    im very sorry for him that he got scammed, but i dont understand why he give first stuff and then money. my personal rule is with strangers: first the money, after the stuff.

    im raged about steam, because my account gets on and off sometimes and now scam with my good hard earnd name others people. steam dont care about :(

    i hope steam wil do something tomorrow, because its monday then and we will get sorted this all. i today installed windows fresh, changed all passes i have in the world wide net already. damn i got no access to my steamtrades site, becasue i can only log in there with the steam api. with this acc i dont can log in at steamtrades because my old acc have no good value.
  4. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

    now i just started to read the screnshots, oh my god, the guy begs for keys and dont know the price for game he sold. i was the cheapest guy with 7 keys, i had a second thread only for tropico games....

    i can cry about, this guy speak not with my words, my friends would say directly, thats not snakor...

    now i will continue and read the screnshoots till the end...
  5. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

    this guy told something about smeevil or or so, is it a dota item or what? look at my games history how long i played dota2? i dont know anything about this game.
    second i never bought or sold keys in my live for paypal, because i dont trust in this bacause of this.
    and third after i had sold my tropicos copie i already was sure never again trading tropico because of kalypso. i had already opend a pack and cant open a second 4-pack and i never would open it from a stranger, because of the preOrder rewards the opener will get them all. as the second reward, the forst dlc will come out in summer, the trader would go away and possibly i never would see the left dlc´s.
    i personally cant trade someone a game and tell them they will get dlc when i dont open it by myself. so i dont wanted to buy another copie because im a very fair guy. im not the sort of guy who sell things i do not really own and in my hand.
  6. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

    i think KnFox trades with this guy, his account name is cosanostra. he is on my main acc friend list, but i never added him by myself.
    he did a scam at a dota trading site and got already banned there.

  7. KnFox

    KnFox Unconfirmed Reports

    I have attached proof of trade. My account never hacked by someone on steam as steam guard is here. It's not my problem that you got your account hacked. I have lost 10 keys and I want them back. Thats all. 1122121.jpg
  8. M'aiq

    M'aiq New User

    Snakor2, tl;dr your comments, create a different report on this Cosanostra guy who you think got your account and place your old account as Victim.
    And contact Valve ASAP to tell them your account has been hijacked.

    And please, read Steam EULA here http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/ , especially this part:
  9. M'aiq

    M'aiq New User

    And provide your inventory history there, where your old account gifted your valuable stuff to this guy.
    Empty Steam chat log could also help.
    And check your e-mail, may be you got e-mail from steam guard when he logged in your account (but I doubt it will be there).
  10. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

    hi all,

    i can fully understand that you want your stuff back and "by my words" im promise we will get the things sorted when i have my account back. thanks for your proof,too. so i can see you traded with my account.
    second, i had steam guard and all things activated, it help nothing if you logged into your account and start this fu... script. you will not get a mail for the security code that you logged into with a new browser.too.

    Thank for your help for the next steps i should do and will.
    Valve got immediatly a ticket from me after a minute the account got high jacked, that was on 24/05/2014 CET 20:18 or GMT +1. i just wrote a long 2nd message at the ticket in the last 3 hours for proofs that it is my account.
    for the steam eula, i never shared my password or account. my account got only stolen due to the script that edited my already logged into account.
    after my contact mail was edited i got imediatly a mail from steam that my account got recent changes.

    at this moment i cant provide the history, but i will do asap i got my account back.
  11. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

    steamrep dont let me open a new thread for hi jacking. i got this following message :(

    Sorry. SteamRep doesn't accept reports about phishing, hijacking, or CD-Key scams.
  12. M'aiq

    M'aiq New User

    Create it as an Alternate account of scammer, may be?

  13. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

    i know that i responsible for the security of my computer and account.
    if someone gets a script palmed at a very inconvenient date and this week it was the inconvenient date of my life, it can go very quickly.
    I just separated from my wife, we have a 4 year old daughter together and some more things happend in this week (next week is my bday, nice present for me)

    we are all human and although we actually know that it is forbidden to download from dubious sources, sometimes we do things we self dont understand.

    this week is fully "murphy´s law", all things that possible can fail will fail.
  14. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

  15. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello, can you give a screenshot of ALL your paypal history?
    Make sure it shows at least one month of history.

    Also give your trading history.

    @sNAKOR ®™ 2 please give a screenshot of the ticket you sent to support and it's response.
  16. sNAKOR ®™ 2

    sNAKOR ®™ 2 New User

    Hello Sjru, i will attach 3 screenshots support ticket-1.jpg support ticket-2.jpg support ticket-3.jpg support ticket-open.jpg of the ticket and 1 screenshot where you can see the ticket is still open. i got no response from saturday till now.
  17. sNAKOR ®™

    sNAKOR ®™ New User

    Hi Sjru, i got my Account back today from Steam Support. All Trades was restored,too. I will give some more screenshots soon to get things cleared. but now i need some sleep :)
  18. M'aiq

    M'aiq New User

    Wow, really glad to hear that, mate!
  19. sNAKOR ®™

    sNAKOR ®™ New User

    now 2 more screenshots from the support ticket. because the support answers me in german i post here the ticket,too. so anyone who cant read german can easy translate it.

    support ticket-4.jpg
    4 Message by Support Tech Johann on Tue, 27th May 2014 11:07 pm
    Hallo Andreas,

    vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht an das Steam Support Team.

    Wir entschuldigen uns für die späte Rückantwort.

    Unsere Daten lassen vermuten, dass Ihr Steam-Account missbraucht wurde.

    Bitte scannen Sie Ihren Computer nach Viren, Spyware, Key-Loggers oder anderen auffälligen Programmen mit einem aktuellen Virenscanner.

    Wählen Sie Ihre Passwörter nach folgenden Sicherheitskriterien, nachdem Sie Ihr System sorgfältig gereinigt haben:

    - Kombination aus Buchstaben (klein- und gross geschrieben) und Nummern
    - Benutzen Sie nicht einfach ein Wort, das sich leicht auch in Wörterbüchern wiederfinden lässt, oder eine einfach nachzuvollziehende Tastaturkombination wie z.B. "123456" oder "qwertz"

    Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Ihren Account umgehend benutzen können, habe ich Ihnen Ihre Accountdaten mit einem neuen Passwort in einer separaten E-Mail zugesandt.
    Bitte prüfen Sie auch Ihr Spamfilterverzeichnis, sollten Sie diese E-Mail nicht auffinden können.

    Achtung: Ihr neues Passwort besteht nur aus Nummern.

    Bitte folgen Sie diesen Anweisungen, um Ihr Passwort abzuändern:

    - starten Sie Steam und klicken Sie auf "Steam" und dann "Einstellungen"
    - Klicken Sie im "Account"-Tab die Schaltfläche "Passwort oder Geheimfrage ändern"
    - Wählen Sie "Ich möchte mein Passwort ändern" aus und folgen Sie dem Dialog

    Wir haben jegliche Accounts, die wir mit diesem Vorfall in Verbindung bringen konnten, deaktiviert.

    Beste Grüße,

    Steam Support Team

    Bei weiteren Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

    support ticket-5.jpg

    5 Message by Support Tech Johann on Tue, 27th May 2014 11:07 pm
    Hallo Andreas,

    wir werden diesen Fall weiter überprüfen und entsprechende Maßnahmen ergreifen.

    Wir haben Ihnen als einmalige Ausnahme alle Trades, die vom Hijacker durchgeführt wurden, zurückgesetzt. Wir werden in Zukunft keine weiteren Gegenstände auf Ihrem Account wiederherstellen, die aufgrund eines Hijackings entwendet wurden.

    Bitte führen Sie die folgenden Schritte durch, um die Sicherheit Ihres Accounts auch in Zukunft zu gewährleisten:

    TITLE: Account Security Recommendations
    URL: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=1266-OAFV-8478

    Bitte folgen Sie diesem Link für weitere Informationen:

    Title: Steam Trading Policy
    Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9958-MJDG-3003

    Beste Grüße,

    Steam Support Team

    Bei weiteren Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.


    i will give some more screenshots as soon as i can (i must go to work,etc) for inventory trade. so all can see what happend in the meantime my acc was highjacked. ex. who had stolen my gifts & keys, who was middleman, etc.
  20. sNAKOR ®™

    sNAKOR ®™ New User

    now here the screenshots of my inventory & the profiles who traded with me in the time my acc whas hijacked.

    inventory-tradehistory-1.jpg inventory-tradehistory-1-HiJacker Profile - BenJ.jpg

    inventory-tradehistory-2.jpg inventory-tradehistory-3.jpg inventory-tradehistory- 2 - 3  - BIG WILLY (QUIKSELLING).jpg

    inventory-tradehistory-4.jpg inventory-tradehistory-4 - HiJacker 2 - cosanostra.jpg

    inventory-tradehistory-5.jpg inventory-tradehistory-5 - Victim - KnFox.jpg

    | steamname: BenJ
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:74748521
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198109762771
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/243324323
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198109762771

    | steamname: BIG WILLY
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:44951541
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050168810
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omgflyingbanana
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198050168810

    | steamname: cosanostra
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:66383462
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093032652
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/babiewadsasdas
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198093032652

    This does not mean that "Big Willy (Quikselling)" is part of the pishing / hijacking group. i dont know. I have only listed it so that the history is uninterrupted.


    1. please give full paypapl history as proof that you was scammed.
    2. as you can see, i dont have scammed you personally, it would be nice to lift the neg rep on steamtrades if you would be a nice serious guy.
    3. thanks for all :)


    I'm sorry to all for all the inconvenience that may be Originated, my heartfelt thanks also to the whole team steamrep.
