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Invalid Report: 76561198086544907 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Eblr, Sep 17, 2017.

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  1. Eblr

    Eblr New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198086544907

    Victim profile: 76561198055425170

    What happened? Description:
    User sent me a friend request, I accepted and asked who he is. User proceeded to tell me that his friend has a knife for my keys. Then he sends me a link that downloads a .zip virus. I clicked the link because i'm an idiot but luckily my antivirus got rid of the .zip instantly. User stopped responding after I told him the link contained a virus.
    Looks like he tried to scam me and send me a virus.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Eboler: oi who r u
    xpauliskax: hi
    xpauliskax: my friend have a good knife for u items, but he cant add u(friend limit)
    Eboler: okay..
    xpauliskax: need this knife? http://pic-save.xyz/images/?img=3AxZk1Cak0 - screen knife in game
    xpauliskax: check screen, if u need this knife i say my friend and he add u
    Eboler: why are you sending me a cirus?
    Eboler: virus
    Eboler: do you think i'm stupid?
    Eboler: hello?

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We no longer accept reports dealing with hijacking/phishing/hacking -Due to change of Policy


    You can report the user to Valve
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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