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Archived Report: 76561198091529318 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Squashue, Jun 28, 2014.

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  1. Squashue

    Squashue New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198091529318 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198027335148

    What happened? Description:
    I met them on a trade server, where they traded me and wanted my hats. They said they could do paypal and steam wallet funds, so I asked for wallet funds (knowing that you can't trade wallet funds). He said that he could type in a code that would transact wallet funds from his account to mine in the Trade Offer window (a lie, since wallet funds aren't integrated with the steam trading system). I pointed out it was a scam, and he completely dismissed this as soon as I said "[HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: unless you want to do it by paypal? 09:26:02". Then I asked repeatedly for a rep thread and he kept asking me for my paypal. He didn't know what a rep thread was, so I showed him the bazaar.tf rep thread subforum. He said he was "getting his rep thread now" even though he didn't know what one is before, and then he cancelled the trade.​

    Provide Evidence:
    View attachment 99815 [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Entire unedited trade log (not sure if it'll be of any use):

    B>FABS TRADE MEH: ok 09:11:00
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: hwop mcuh si thsi all worth liek roughly 09:11:07
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: hwo much for all like rouchly 09:11:14
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: give me a while to calculate 09:11:21
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: it's basically 3/4 of my bp value 09:11:46
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: and my bp value is 282 ref 09:11:56
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: k 09:12:01
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: so 211.5 ref approx 09:12:10
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: 240ref? 09:12:12
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: oh ok 211 09:12:17
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: i calculate into keys 09:12:27
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: 24.7 keys 09:12:44
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: ok 09:12:50
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: or 24.75 or so 09:12:55
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: k so 61.75usd 09:13:45
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: wait giev em 2mins i claculatign stuff 09:13:51
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: why are you converting to usd? 09:14:00
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: to convert back to keys in items is easier 09:14:11
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: i have an app on my ipad makes usd first 09:14:24
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: or cna i do 50usd and soem items 09:14:36
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: alright so i managed to get accurate pricings on my items 09:14:46
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: k what 09:15:01
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: the hats and taunts are about 224 refined 09:15:35
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: then the stranges... uh 09:15:47
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: k i got 240ref for all this 09:16:17
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: is that corret? 09:16:24
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: well 239ref 09:16:29
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: alright i got it all sussed 09:16:53
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: 252 ref total 09:17:00
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: k what total 09:17:02
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: ok 09:17:04
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: so i calculate 09:17:09
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: 29.35 keys or so 09:17:23
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: 29.85keys 09:17:36
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: ok? 09:17:45
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: what exactly are you dealing in? i can't see any keys in your bp 09:18:05
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: i can do usd or usd and soem items 09:18:27
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: how will you do usd? 09:18:38
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: if you're talking money please give me your money transaction rep thread 09:19:01
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: steam cash or paypal paypal can do excatly72.21usd or if stema i can do 80usd 09:19:07
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: if u want steam u must add a bit 09:19:23
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: liek 3key sof items 09:19:35
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: you can't trade in money over steam 09:19:41
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: are you trying to scam me, sir? 09:19:51
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: no sir i am not 09:20:03
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: u can in trade offer 09:20:13
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: how? 09:20:23
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: but ti means u get cahs i dotn get items so if we do that way u must giev em items once u get cash 09:20:35
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: ok? 09:20:47
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: so you want me to give you items first? 09:20:57
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: where's your money transaction rep thread, btw? 09:21:42
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: no 09:21:48
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: i asked for it but haven't got it 09:21:52
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: yi make offe rthen i tyep a code well embed oen in trade offer when u mak eu get cash then when u ge 09:22:14
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: is there a way to see this in action? 09:22:43
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: ya 09:23:12
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: do for liek ahfl items at a time 09:23:31
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: do for half items at a time 09:23:42
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: i believe you're lying 09:24:12
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: steam wallet has never been supported by steam trading 09:24:37
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: unless you want to do it by paypal? 09:26:02
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: kl paypal do half at a time ok 09:26:11
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: whgat ur paypal 09:26:16
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: no, i need your money rep thread 09:26:33
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: srry for caps 09:26:38
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: got jammed 09:26:43
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: hello 09:27:52
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: what si ur paypal 09:27:55
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: seriously where's your money rep thread 09:27:56
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: you're not answering my question 09:28:09
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: just give em ur paypal is easier 09:30:00
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: don't bullshit me. tell me where your rep thread is 09:30:18
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: why 09:30:25
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: i dunno what rep thread is 09:30:35
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: so you're unacquainted with paypal transactions? 09:30:55
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: i am not but dunno what it is 09:31:36
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: i use visa and paypal 09:31:45
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: mastercard 09:31:49
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: what u want 09:31:53
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: i'm really not sure what to think about this 09:32:29
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: of course! i got it now 09:33:00
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: you were reported because you were attempted to scam another user in the same way 09:33:21
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: is that correct? 09:34:10
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: ?no 09:34:16
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: well then, give me your rep thread 09:34:39
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: what si threa i dont f✿✿✿ign no what it is 09:34:41
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: i dunno what the f✿✿✿ it is 09:34:49
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: so dont say i scamming jsut explain what is 09:35:40
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: a rep thread is for people trading in money 09:35:52
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: giev em example 09:36:04
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: like what si it link to ur credit card or what 09:36:12
    [HE4D]Extremely Foxy Engi 4710: http://bazaar.tf/board/rep these are rep threads 09:36:40
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: oh 09:37:16
    B>FABS TRADE MEH: ok give me one min 09:37:20

    Trade ended. They removed me after they messaged me through steam for the "steam market" thing you can see in the chat​

    Attached Files:


    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    I need the original chat agreement in a full screen Steam client browser.
  3. Squashue

    Squashue New User

    i can't get that information because steam deleted the chatlog after i sent him another message... i hadn't thought about taking a picture, as i didn't know it was necessary at the time.

    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    Im sorry but we can not accept text copies of chat.
    Archiving due to lack of original chat agreement.
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