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Accepted Report: 76561198093718155 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Eblr, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. Eblr

    Eblr New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198093718155

    Victim profile: 76561198055425170

    What happened? Description:
    This person wanted me to trade my item to a trusted friend so he could verify that it's not a hijacked item. Later he wanted me to add a "steam admin" to verify the item. When I pointed out that this "steam admin" was banned on SR he didn't quite know what to say.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Eblr: hey
    BOT#Hentai | Trading is now Looking to Trade.
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: hello
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: hello there
    Eblr: hi
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: is your knife is up for trade?
    Eblr: yes
    Eblr: what do you have for it?
    Eblr: Your inventory doesn't have nearly enough value
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: bro
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: /
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: bro
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: ?
    Eblr: ye
    Eblr: what
    Eblr: you want to trade my knife?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: before ill send you the offer, let me check something regarding to your knife alright?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: yes
    Eblr: okay
    Eblr: what are you offering for my knife?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: i wanna make sure that your knife is not one of those hijacked items ok? hijacked items dont appears after trading it and also duped items like facory new turn to battle scarred.
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: can you prove it?
    Eblr: my knife is a flip knife doppler
    Eblr: there's no such thing as a battle scarred doppler
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: i want to see your knife traded to other inventory, like i said hijacked items cant appear on other inventory after trading it can be seen if your playing in game, in inventory, can be record in video, take screenshots. but after trade it doesnt exist.
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: got my point?
    Eblr: yeah i get it
    Eblr: but
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: so do you have a trusted friend there like your real life friend that can help us here just in 1min?
    Eblr: there's no such thing as hijacked dopplers
    Eblr: no man i don't have friends
    Eblr: by the way what are you offering for my knife?
    Eblr: you have a few cases and some s✿✿✿ skins
    Eblr: but not nearly enough for my knife
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: i have my vault account
    Eblr: why would you have a vault account?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: so that to avoid scammers and hijackers
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: i hide it
    Eblr: haha
    Eblr: hide yo skins
    Eblr: hide yo wife
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: btw this my vault account
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198231072940/inventory/
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: do you want ★ Karambit | Night FT?
    Eblr: it was last online 178 days ago
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: yes i told you
    Eblr: this stuff is sketchy af
    Eblr: how do you expect me to trust you?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: can you call one of your friend i want him here to hold my knife and your knife so that we can check the knife individually if our knife is not one of those hijacked items
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: okay?
    Eblr: as i said before I don't have any friends
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: oww
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: sorry
    Eblr: so just 1:1 knife trades only
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: is your knives verified and safe to trade?
    Eblr: yes
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: only the official steam community administrators can verify if the items is legit and safe to trade.
    Eblr: oh
    Eblr: do you know an official steam admin?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: we can check
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: wait
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: im going to check
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: dont worry for the fee
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: i will pay for it
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: can you help me to add him?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ADDMINN/
    Eblr: he's banned on steamrep
    Eblr: and on FoG
    Eblr: not adding him he's a scammer
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: sure?
    Eblr: do you know another one?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: f✿✿✿
    Eblr: http://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/id/ADDMINN/
    Eblr: there
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: no
    Eblr: see
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: To protect yourself and prevent thieves from profiting,
    do not trade with this person. Players shouldn't be encouraged to steal. Supporting them can hurt your reputation.
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: f✿✿✿
    Eblr: so let's just trade directly okay?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: :(
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: sorry bro
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: i cant
    Eblr: why not
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: because i lost already 300$ because of the hijacked items
    Eblr: dude seriously
    Eblr: "hijacked items"
    Eblr: bullshit
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: it's okay
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: i not forcing you to do it
    Eblr: I assume you just started scamming?
    Eblr: because you don't have a ban on SR yet
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: what do you mean
    Eblr: i mean you're not very good at scamming
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: how do i scam you here
    Eblr: you're not scamming me
    Eblr: you're just attempting a middleman scam
    Eblr: and it won't work man
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: how do i sacm you?
    BOT#Hentai | Trading: lol
    Eblr: stop acting
    Eblr: i knew you were a scammer since the second you added me
    Eblr: do you have anything else to say?
    Eblr: i guess not
    Eblr: have fun with your SR ban mate​

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - in the future do not copy/paste chat text in description area..that isn't what its for and we can't use that anyway - only need the screenshots of the chat.
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