1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Pending Report: 76561198095588936 - ([Steam] Steam Games)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by nemu, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. nemu

    nemu New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Misrepresenting virtual items
    Virtual item type involved: [Steam] Steam Games

    Accused profile: 76561198095588936

    Victim profile: 76561198014034650

    What happened? Description:
    this user added me from my TF2Outpost selling thread where I sold Terraria copies for 1 Key.
    Upon adding him I offered him opening one of my Terraria 4packs, he agreed, then we proceeded to trade, trade went through and suddenly he deleted me off their list. After trying to convince him to trade the 3 copies from the 4Pack back to me through my selling thread he eventually accepted my friend request and said he would "try his best" to give the copies back, but then he deleted me again​

    Provide Evidence:
    Scam pictures​

    Attached Files: