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Already Banned Report: 76561198098420292 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by WithinTheMainCode, Dec 31, 2015.

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  1. WithinTheMainCode

    WithinTheMainCode New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198098420292

    Victim profile: 76561198118173515

    What happened? Description:
    Attempted to scam me by convincing me to trade with him with either a steam market code or Paypal method, he gave fake reputation and convinced me he wasn't a scammer when i confronted him of banning on his profile. I told him that i would only trade though steam market or trading, but he gave false reasons on why he couldn't do them. No items were exchanged, but attempted scam.​

    Provide Evidence:
    • WithinTheMainCode: hayya
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks is now Online.
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Hey
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: What's up?
    • WithinTheMainCode: nuttin much"
    • WithinTheMainCode: lets continue talkin about that trade then
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: You have trade in 2 days right ?
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Well How much would you like to get for them and witch paymnet methdo you take we are talked about this im not sure ?
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: method*
    • WithinTheMainCode: no, i cant enable the mobil authenticator becuase of phone switching, i only have to wait 3 days for any trade
    • WithinTheMainCode: i said steam money or tf2 keys
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: You told me steam money right
    • WithinTheMainCode: indeed
    • WithinTheMainCode: but i warn you, someone else is offering on my bortherhood, but only my brotherhood
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Happy new year :)
    • WithinTheMainCode: oh why thank you, a happy new you to you too
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Well i can give you batter offer mate
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Becasue i'm looking to buy the brotherhood... :/
    • WithinTheMainCode: well you did say you were buying all 3 unusuals..
    • WithinTheMainCode: so lets do it like this:
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Yeah i siad that
    • WithinTheMainCode: sense the other guy is offering $166 or 80 keys for it
    • WithinTheMainCode: ill put it like this
    • WithinTheMainCode: Brotherhood: $166 or 80 keys
    • WithinTheMainCode: Cottonhead: offer
    • WithinTheMainCode: King of the Jungle: Offer
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Well what about 175$ we have a deal ?
    • WithinTheMainCode: for?
    • WithinTheMainCode: not all threee
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Just for brotherhood 175$ but for the another 2 unusual i'll pay you 90% from the price alright ?
    • WithinTheMainCode: they have no price
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Well i'll pay you 90% of your price but be a fair i'll check it... :)
    • WithinTheMainCode: well here, this is what i think the cotton and minigun is worth
    • WithinTheMainCode: note
    • WithinTheMainCode: this is my opinion
    • WithinTheMainCode: you can state yours too
    • WithinTheMainCode: Cotton: 90 keys or $187.16
    • WithinTheMainCode: King of the Jungle: 55 keys or $114.38
    • WithinTheMainCode: remember these are my opinons
    • WithinTheMainCode: not cold stone priced
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Well for Cotton i'll pay 177$ and for King of the Jungle 104$ sounds good for you we have an agreement ?
    • WithinTheMainCode: Ya
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: So all together : 456$
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: And witch paymnet methdo you take again ?
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: method**
    • WithinTheMainCode: steam money or keys
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: You mean steam wallet code right ?
    • WithinTheMainCode: no steam market
    • WithinTheMainCode: i put these items on the market for the prices you said, and then you buy'
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: But i dont have market for over 30 days and than i need wait more 7 days...
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: I can do steam wallet code or paypal or something like that mate
    • WithinTheMainCode: well i mean
    • WithinTheMainCode: i would buuuut
    • WithinTheMainCode: theres a problem
    • WithinTheMainCode: its not you, its.. oh wait... IT IS YOU
    • WithinTheMainCode: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198098420292
    • WithinTheMainCode: your banned for paypal scammin
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: I have a reason why mate
    • WithinTheMainCode: lol
    • WithinTheMainCode: want proof?
    • WithinTheMainCode: http://forums.steamrep.com/search/5...c[node]=3 43 34 60 35 36 37 38 41 42 39 52 17
    • WithinTheMainCode: bingo
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: This guy was my friend they fake all this becasue they want take screenshot of my unusuals i told them no so they said we will report and remove you i told them okay and they did that... troller gonna troll
    • WithinTheMainCode: and scammer gona.. oh wait.. you dident
    • WithinTheMainCode: well
    • WithinTheMainCode: you did
    • WithinTheMainCode: actually
    • WithinTheMainCode: http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/9976-paypal-scam-worth-40-steam-gift-copy.html
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Your choise to trust me or not i have legit rep in bitcoin/skrill (paymnet method) have cash rep in bitcoin owner of 2 groups cash rep thread and more group trade
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Well , You can take a look in my profile , I'm level 100 , Wasted to much on this account and I wont risk it for a knife/unusual or something just if you more trust than me
    • WithinTheMainCode: ligit rep: labeld as scammer, the 2 group thing i could give less a s✿✿✿ about, level 100 dont proov s✿✿✿, and if you wasted so much time on this account.. dont you think you would learn on how to scam people better?
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: Lol but i'm not scammer
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: You funny mate... :)
    • WithinTheMainCode: alright here another example
    • WithinTheMainCode: you refused to trade on the market or tradin
    • WithinTheMainCode: saying that you cant do market for 30 days
    • WithinTheMainCode: without a reason
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: I have a reason
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: I buy over 200 items in this year want screenshot ?
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: I need put over 5$ than need wait 30 days
    • WithinTheMainCode: you know whats funny.. i cant find any restictions for buying too many items..
    • WithinTheMainCode: and for some reason
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks: ...
    • WithinTheMainCode: you wont trade for keys
    • WithinTheMainCode: and your wanting me to trade with
    • WithinTheMainCode: paypal or steam market codes
    • Jad's Hat Shop - Buy Backpacks is now Offline.
    • WithinTheMainCode: reported

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @WithinTheMainCode Seem to be missing a lot of the chat discussion - user is rather active.
    I'll submit for review - in the meantime make sure you report the account to steam so they can deal with him.
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
  3. Edward.

    Edward. SteamRep Admin Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report. The user was previously banned by Steamrep and/or one of our partner communities. Due to this, I am archiving this report for use in any subsequent appeals. In the event of an appeal, your report may be reopened for further review.
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