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Invalid Report: 76561198103643692 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by thinkereer, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. thinkereer

    thinkereer New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Gambling] Fake gambling website
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198103643692

    Victim profile: 76561198078097693

    What happened? Description:
    Guy adds me and wants me check out his "friend's new gambling website", he sends the website, and asks me tell him when I log in, I open the website and I'm already logged in to the Steamcommunity, but when I click sign in, it redirects me to a fake logging in page even though I'm already logged in.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    thinker: Hello!
    thinker: sup man
    thinker: need anythng from me?
    mark cs.money: Yo man
    mark cs.money: Are you into gambling
    thinker: no not really
    thinker: why?
    mark cs.money: Well because
    mark cs.money: My friend will open up a gambling website soon
    mark cs.money: i wonder if you wanted to check it out
    mark cs.money: i can give you some free credits
    mark cs.money: i want you to tell me how it runs and stuff
    thinker: sorry, not interested, thank you though
    mark cs.money: it's still got no deposit/ withdraw
    thinker: it's ok, it's just that I'm not interested in such sites
    mark cs.money: I mean we need testers rn
    mark cs.money: You will get paid for it
    mark cs.money: like 5 bucks
    mark cs.money: It'll take around 10 mins
    thinker: ok
    thinker: let me check it out then
    mark cs.money: alright the site is
    mark cs.money: http://csgoelemental.com
    mark cs.money: tell me when you log in
    thinker: nice site
    thinker: just a sec
    mark cs.money: did you log in
    thinker: busy trading stuff
    thinker: I"m just not sure if I should trust this site
    thinker: is it legit and by your friends?
    thinker: it has no malware?
    mark cs.money: No it doesn't
    mark cs.money: my friend coded it​

    Provide Evidence:
    Screenshots of him wanting me to open that site​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    thinker: Hello!
    thinker: sup man
    thinker: need anythng from me?
    mark cs.money: Yo man
    mark cs.money: Are you into gambling
    thinker: no not really
    thinker: why?
    mark cs.money: Well because
    mark cs.money: My friend will open up a gambling website soon
    mark cs.money: i wonder if you wanted to check it out
    mark cs.money: i can give you some free credits
    mark cs.money: i want you to tell me how it runs and stuff
    thinker: sorry, not interested, thank you though
    mark cs.money: it's still got no deposit/ withdraw
    thinker: it's ok, it's just that I'm not interested in such sites
    mark cs.money: I mean we need testers rn
    mark cs.money: You will get paid for it
    mark cs.money: like 5 bucks
    mark cs.money: It'll take around 10 mins
    thinker: ok
    thinker: let me check it out then
    mark cs.money: alright the site is
    mark cs.money: http://csgoelemental.com
    mark cs.money: tell me when you log in
    thinker: nice site
    thinker: just a sec
    mark cs.money: did you log in
    thinker: busy trading stuff
    thinker: I"m just not sure if I should trust this site
    thinker: is it legit and by your friends?
    thinker: it has no malware?
    mark cs.money: No it doesn't
    mark cs.money: my friend coded it

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We no longer accept reports dealing with hijacking/phishing/hacking -Due to change of Policy


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    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
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