1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Pending Report: 76561198110394477 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Ansonia - Selling GTA V, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Ansonia - Selling GTA V

    Ansonia - Selling GTA V New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198110394477

    Victim profile: 76561198186135143

    What happened? Description:
    Well, this guy added me with some made-up story that he wasn't able to use OPSkins or SkinXchange to purchase my knife, claiming that we had to use paypal-to-paypal to actually do a transaction. I kind of assumed that his intent was to attempt an invoice scam, but since he already had a report from 2 years ago and the fact that he had the ability to actually trick someone (Although this is unlikely considering how much a moron he seemed to be in our little chat) I figured I would go ahead and make a report anyways.

    ANYWAYS, you'll find the entire complete chatlog in the screenshots as well as the invoice that I received via email (didn't show up in my paypal feed oddly enough). I censored my email in chatlog5 and my name and email in the invoice screenshot for obvious reasons, if its really necessary I can give an admin unedited versions.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Here's his email: [email protected]
    Here's his youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMrNUQ79112kwwCuY-Tsg
    Here's his skype: krezsellspromotion

    Here's the full chatlog for those who don't want to have to sign in to read all the screenshots (removed my email again of course):

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: ?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Oh hey
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: sorry im in a comp match
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: 1 sec
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: alright back
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: idk why i added but i think it was me searching for a marble kara and asking a price range on it
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: it might be it
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Well I have a stat trak one.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea im looking for both
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: And they go from $1250 worth in items to $1500+
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Regulars go for half that.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Hmmm ill inspect it wait
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: btw is this like ur alt or something?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: or smurf?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: You can find a lot of pricing for csgo items on csgo.steamanalyst.com
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Alt?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Not really?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Alternative account
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: yea k
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: it looks nice alot
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: with high shaders
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Yep :3
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: has alot of blue and yellow mixed in ps
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: its nice af
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I play on lower settings to get the most out my gameplay though D:
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: But its still beautiful./
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: May i ask why on trade probation?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I asked valve the same question, my account got completely community locked for like a week, I opened a steam support ticket and they responded saying they couldn't remove or alter suspensions.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Then the next day I got put on a two week trade ban, which I found terribly odd.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Opened another ticket, and they still haven't responded even through the two week ban.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: And now I'm on probation.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Aha happend to me back then i understand valve is s✿✿✿
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: =/
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I was told I'm "lucky my ban wasn't permanent"
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: just a quick question i cashed out recently on tf2 cuz that was my main game i aint new to csgo but i used to play it back then on a csgo account but stopped so idk if we can work out a price in PP we will work out the going first or middleman but for now i wanna work out a price
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: excuse me for soo many work outs ;)
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: http://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198110394477/
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: You do have a pending report.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea i do
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: However when I looked into it, it seems you refunded him
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: it was back then not money what so ever
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: and the report was from well over a year ago./
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i was stupid alright
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: ^^
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: If you want to buy my knife, buy it from skinxchange.com
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: it was him giving me an item for a couple of mins/days
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: They actually just added paypal just the other day
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: well i would have bought it from opskins but man i aint verified
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: it sucks
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: and ik
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: but i seriously aint
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Do you have a credit or debit card?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: That's an option too for skinxchange.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: no im still 15
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: and my dad if you understand usually dont like using his credit card on the internet
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: althought he knows i have 1700$ in my pp of games
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: just parents
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I was 14 when I opened a bank account :p
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: if you got any sort of rep?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i dont see much in ur profile
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I don't do cash trades, but I do sell my stuff on skinxchange via stripe or paypal.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Ah
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: But im gonna be honest i just really cant i wish tho
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: thats been bothering me alot
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: cuz most people want opskins and god damn ;(
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: there so nice in http://opskins.com and there so cheap
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: like marble nice ones kara are 400$
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: non st
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Well ughh what price would you do in $ anyways?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: im trying to keep 400$ for my self and i got 1700$
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: so id discuss on that range
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Hmm and btw
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: ansonia is a familiar name
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: What country is that name orignally from?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: United states.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Aha
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Is that your name?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I'm fairly certain it was the name of an old town or something.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: My real name?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: No.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Aha i see
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: its a nice name
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: So
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: any thoughts?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Thank you. I'm looking for around $1250 for the knife as I purchased it for just around the same price quite some time ago.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: A non stat trak goes for half that.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I'm looking into OPSkins prices, but bear in mind that most of these are scammed and resold here. But it does look like most of the prices fluctuate around this.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Ye they do
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Well
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: How does 1300$ sound
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: as i said it would be nice to keep 400$ as i wanted 400$ left but i can discuss
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i got no problem discussing
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: You can TYT and think of a price just at the end id like to know if 1300$ is all good

    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Sorry about that, I was trying to remember the password to my paypal account.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: hehehe dw happens to all of us
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Mind joining a teamspeak?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Well not right now actually
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: its night here i can barley say 2 coming From CT in comp
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: ^^
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Well alright, what's the email to your paypal account?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: [email protected]
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: May i know why u asking?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Just making sure its actually a registered paypal account.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: It is, but like you said it isn't verified.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Aha
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: yup
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: So the price?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: and my offer?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: ik u said u bought it for around 1250$
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: $1300 sounds fine to me.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Alrighty then
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: BTW when does the probation ends?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Well I can trade, but I'm not sure when trade probation actually ends.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: cuz i have some other knifes on my wishlist just making sure id buy others so i dont waste time
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Aha
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: So you can trade?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: lemme try
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: oh
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: it does work
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: weird, i thought probation actually stops you from trading
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Nope.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: It might be just me going full ✿✿✿✿✿✿ mode
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay has not responded to your trade request.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: So if 1300$ sounds good can we discuss about Going first and all?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I'm not going first. If that's a problem with you I'll just use OPSkins or SkinXchange.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Obviously.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Oh no i didnt mean that
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Oh well
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i need maybe some sort of rep
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: for me to go first you aint low money
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: know*
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i didnt even spend anything on game just to be premuim other than that its all profit work
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: but still i worked hard
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I don't particularly have any rep because like I mentioned before, I don't really do cash trades outside of SkinXchange.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I'm partnered with them if it counts for anything.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea i understand
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i can trust you somewhat
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: That and the $2000 inventory =/
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Ye
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i see
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea i just hate it cuz if done several pp transactions and you know after i send they irritate and it makes me get worried so if your gonna do that please just tell me from now.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I don't think I understand.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Basically Irriating to gimme the knife after ive went first
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Honestly I would prefer just using a 3rd party website because it gets rid of any worry.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: at the end they do but yea
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea its ok im fine going first i do trust you but im just telling you from now
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Well yeah, once I receive money you're going to get the knife.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: THat's obvious.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Hopefully
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Is your paypal verified?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Well I have my bank account linked, so it should be.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea i guess
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Have you done other several Transactions other than SkinXChaneg?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: change*
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I'
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I've tried paypal before, its usually just morons trying to scam through it though.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: But I've never done a successful item transaction through paypal.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: I've never been paypal scammed attemp may i know what they did just to give me a heads up cuz lately ive been getting some people that wanted me to cash out when i had my tf2 unusuals
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i went for a safe guy thank god
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Eh, its usually safer to go with people that have something to lose.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Either a wealthy inventory or some kind of reputation outside of steam
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Like youtube or something.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: So umm what was the scam attempts?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: obvs i know the middleman one ^^
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Chargebacks mostly.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: And yeah, the middleman one.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: lol
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: that will never work
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: like never
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: unless ur mad stupid then ya
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Alright one last thing before we start im gonna check the kara's history and stuff although i know for a fact u havnt scammed it just making sure you know ^^
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I purchased it from someone who apparently unboxed it
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I still have him on my friendslist
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: il see if thats true i doubt he did
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Well seems all good in its history he didnt unbox it
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Didn't think so either.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: it has 5 previous owners?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: so ya
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: the second one was a scammer
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: and he got marked
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: So the guy that unboxed it got scammed of it
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: =/
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: lol
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: alright seems all good
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: i can trust you on this im pretty sure
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: I'm guessing you need my email?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea obvs
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: (THIS IS MY EMAIL, REMOVING IT)
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Tell me whenever, I'm already signed in so there should be no wait.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Sure
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: btw
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: ?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: you mind send me a trade offer with the knife after i send the invoice? i always do that too bookmark my PP purchases
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: its the same just hover on my trade offer instead of the send a trade here
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: if thats ok with u
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Sure, once I've received the payment I'll send a trade offer.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Alrighty then 1 sec
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Wait just confirming the invoice 1 sec
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: You there?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Yep.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Alright 1 sec
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Here goes nothing
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Alright you should have received an invoice
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: maybe not somtimes not
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Still waiting on it
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Alrighty then just btw make sure its a trade offer
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Wait is it a invoice ?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: it should be since im not verified but maybe not
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Hello?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Still nothing.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: What how is that possible?
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: u checked ur recent transactions?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: http://gyazo.com/e945eb4d0f2e82f0c024a60042341223
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: its an invoice 1000$ goes in as an invoice dud
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: dude i got only 400$ now
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: check ur home page
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: if 1000$ +
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: goes in as an invoice
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: since im un verified pp usually thinks its suspicous
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: tell me if you find it
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Oh, I got it in an email.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Yea idk r using mac or?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Nah
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: Mobile or Windows 8?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Nice youtube channel by the way
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Mind if I include it in the steamrep report?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: :p
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: what?
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: You know, the one I'm writing.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: For your scam attempt.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: wich one lol
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: You know, your second steamrep report.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: The one I'm posting momentarily.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay: lol i dont have no second ones
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: Not yet.
    Eggy ;3 #SmokeMidEveryDay is now Offline.
    Ansonia | SkinXchange.com: D:​

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