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Pending Report: 76561198128033292 - ([Steam] Steam Games)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Infinity2014, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. Infinity2014

    Infinity2014 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [Steam] Steam Games

    Accused profile: 76561198128033292

    Victim profile: 76561198186079582

    What happened? Description:
    He offered me some games, he told me he wasn't a scammer. He insisted that I would go first and give him the Valve Complete Pack. What did I know? That he was a definite scammer. Who tells someone to go first when that person has a TRADE BAN. Yeah that's right. The user has a trade ban and is going around scamming people.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    CONNOR: hi dude
    CONNOR: thnx for accepting me
    Infinity2014: np
    Infinity2014: just a sec
    Infinity2014: i need to pray
    CONNOR: why ???????
    Infinity2014: bvack
    Infinity2014: so are you a scammer
    CONNOR: nn
    Infinity2014: You are/
    Infinity2014: ?
    CONNOR: i swear to god i swear
    Infinity2014: why are you trade bad
    CONNOR: it's my freinds on a groupe they reported me and i don't know why i swear
    Infinity2014: okay
    Infinity2014: i want payday 2 NOW
    CONNOR: and what u offer fpr it
    CONNOR: for
    Infinity2014: i can offer valve complete pack
    Infinity2014: for payday2
    Infinity2014: and justcause collection
    Infinity2014: no wait
    Infinity2014: thats too low offer
    Infinity2014: im low balling
    CONNOR: look dude
    Infinity2014: What
    Infinity2014: u scammer?
    CONNOR: i will give u cs go and payday 2 and just cause collection for iit
    CONNOR: what u think ??
    CONNOR: and for thet theird time i'm not a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ scammer ok??
    Infinity2014: mhm
    Infinity2014: can i choose some more gift?
    CONNOR: just 1
    Infinity2014: ty
    CONNOR: game
    Infinity2014: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/753/1/667995902469623232/?l=english&o=76561198128033292

    Infinity2014: can i have gta san andreas too cus it low price
    CONNOR: i said 1 game
    CONNOR: soory
    CONNOR: so
    CONNOR: u accepte or refuse ?
    CONNOR: u waasting my time dude
    CONNOR: yes or no ??
    CONNOR: ..........
    Infinity2014: :(
    Infinity2014: CONNOR: i will give u cs go and payday 2 and just cause collection for iit
    Infinity2014: u give me those then
    Infinity2014: ?
    Infinity2014: and dont starve together
    Infinity2014: or not
    Infinity2014: if not dst then only cs go and payday 2 and just cause collection
    Infinity2014: ??
    CONNOR: and dont storve
    CONNOR: ok ??
    CONNOR: ....
    CONNOR: heary
    CONNOR: dude
    CONNOR: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    CONNOR: talk to me
    CONNOR is now Online.
    CONNOR: i think u don't those games
    CONNOR: so by
    CONNOR: and when u change your mind i here add me
    CONNOR is now Offline.
    CONNOR is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    Infinity2014: Yeah
    Infinity2014: Okay
    CONNOR is now Online.
    Infinity2014: Well?
    CONNOR: what
    CONNOR: u want the games
    CONNOR: ??
    CONNOR: tell me
    CONNOR: by dude
    CONNOR is now Offline.
    Infinity2014: Hey dude
    Infinity2014: i am to play game sorry
    Infinity2014: i want the games
    CONNOR is now Online.
    Infinity2014: i want
    CONNOR: ok
    CONNOR: send me the pack valve and i will send my games
    CONNOR: last answer accepte it or refuse
    Infinity2014: i will report you
    Infinity2014: if you tell me to go first
    CONNOR: because i muse go ,??
    Infinity2014: YOU THINK I AM TO BE STUPID>
    Infinity2014: I REPORT U ON STEAMREP TOO
    Infinity2014: ??!?
    CONNOR: do it i don't care
    Infinity2014: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128033292/
    Infinity2014: Okay
    Infinity2014: Why
    Infinity2014: look at this dude
    Infinity2014: http://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128033292/
    Infinity2014: ^_^
    CONNOR: like i said i don't care
    CONNOR: do it
    CONNOR: or no games
    CONNOR: your choice
    CONNOR: soooooooooooo
    CONNOR: ok
    CONNOR: by by by b y b y
    CONNOR is now Offline.
    Infinity2014: reported
    CONNOR: oh no
    CONNOR: u reported me
    CONNOR: f✿✿✿ u
    CONNOR: dude
    CONNOR: i don't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare
    CONNOR: i want the pack valve u want 4 games
    CONNOR: easy
    Infinity2014: Dude
    Infinity2014: im not trading with u first
    Infinity2014: U know im reporting u right now on steam rep​

    Attached Files:

  2. Salmon

    Salmon Caution on SteamRep

    Get his alt, report his alt.