1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Evidence Provided Report: 76561198128199870 - ([Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ] / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Dark.Negative, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Dark.Negative

    Dark.Negative New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198128199870 ([Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ])

    Victim profile: 76561198067143613

    What happened? Description:
    ramdom guy added me and said

    ""[Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: can i borrow all your keys ? and metal after in 3 min i will give you an unusual for demoman with an scorching flames effect if its just right with you""​

    Provide Evidence:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Dark.Negative^: hey
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: heyl
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: helo :D
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: nc knowing you
    Dark.Negative^: can i help?
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: can i borrow all your keys ? and metal after in 3 min i will give you an unusual for demoman with an scorching flames effect if its just right with you
    Dark.Negative^: hmm
    Dark.Negative^: should i report you?
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: ? sir
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: im seriuose sir
    Dark.Negative^: You know you are talking on YBC admin right?
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: what YBC
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: young boob cat?.
    Dark.Negative^: Most popular TF2 trade server
    Dark.Negative^: anyways
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: who.
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: thnx anyway
    Dark.Negative^: can you provide proof from that?
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: sir even i have an proof or not its up to you to decide if you really trust me
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: if i say i dont have an proof you will say you cant truse me
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: trust
    Dark.Negative^: you are f2p..
    Dark.Negative^: how i can trust you?
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: trust me sir
    Dark.Negative^: XD
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: many ppl reported me bcuz they said im not a fair trader
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: when i want t obuy their items for my money they always say scammer
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: and they dont believe me
    Dark.Negative^: show me the unusual.
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: i couldnt get the unusual with out your item sir but i can get it if i got your key
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: so its up to you to decide if you believe me or not
    Dark.Negative^: i'm not looking to getit
    Dark.Negative^: just to see it
    Dark.Negative^: what hat it is?
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: what hat you like for demo sir?
    Dark.Negative^: idk
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: hmm
    Dark.Negative^: anyways
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: what about
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: hustlers hallmark
    Dark.Negative^: show me the hat
    Dark.Negative^: from the inventory
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: i cant get the unusual without your key sir
    Dark.Negative^: lel
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/440/2/2419688557/?l=english&o_url=iamdre
    Dark.Negative^: ok
    Dark.Negative^: ok
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: that unusual.
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: view our conversation bigger.
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: so you can see that unusual
    Dark.Negative^: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/18451269
    Dark.Negative^: now enjoy your report sir and your Steam Trade ban <3
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: sir?
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: i know sir that
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: i dont have that unusual
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: as i said to you sir
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: i cant get the unusual without your items
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: key
    Dark.Negative^: lelz
    Dark.Negative^: keep going sir
    Dark.Negative^: keep going
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: so i dont hav that unusual
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: well sir
    Dark.Negative^: how old ar you 1?
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: sorry to waist your time
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: 1x18=?
    Dark.Negative^: enjoy your ban
    Dark.Negative^: you sound like 2-3
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: ok sir
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ]: 23?
    Dark.Negative^: bye
    [Θ≈PrΘ'§≈Θ] is now Offline.​

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  2. Dark.Negative

    Dark.Negative New User

    The guy who own.

    I add him to ask him if he know that guy.. He have no idea about this guy

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  3. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report! An SR admin will review yours in a while!