1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Pending Report: 76561198128844083 - ([Steam] Steam Games)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by de_dust2, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. de_dust2

    de_dust2 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [Steam] Steam Games

    Accused profile: 76561198128844083

    Victim profile: 76561198003313881

    What happened? Description:
    So before some days, this guy writes me on Steam "Hello do you wanna trade, and i said yes depends on what do you want . He shows me he has Gift for Hitman Absolution . I was interested and i offered him a Half-Life Platinum cd-key . I get these cd-keys from a friend who works in a distribution company oftenly . Sometimes, i have problems with the keys . Today he messages me again and ask if i still want to trade . I told him yes and that i got new keys . After sending him some keys, i sent him a key wich appeared to be unused . I`ve seen that his games jumped from 28 to 36 games (Yes this cd-key grants you 8 old valve games such as Counter-Strike, Half-Life and it`s expansions, Ricochet and other old GoldSrc valve games)) . After then he appeared offline, but i tought he just blocked me and run away . He said that pc lagged out when activating the key . I said him to send me the gift, because i`ve seen him activating the game pack (HL Platinum pack . Then he said, to me that i was just scammed, then he blocked me and unfriended me .​

    Provide Evidence:
    19 юни 2015 г.
    f0rest: hi
    f0rest: do u wana trade ?.
    de_dust2: i still dint restock new hl keys
    de_dust2: not possible atm
    f0rest: ok
    f0rest: So ?
    de_dust2: i got new keys yes
    de_dust2: you still have the gift ?
    f0rest: Yes
    f0rest: I love life is strange
    f0rest: do u have it as gift ?
    de_dust2: Nope sorry
    f0rest: it's
    f0rest: ok
    de_dust2: but you have HL2 gift
    f0rest: :/
    f0rest: you want
    f0rest: Hitman ?
    f0rest: w8
    f0rest is now Offline.
    de_dust2: 2132-83044-7506
    de_dust2: if used write me
    f0rest is now Online.
    f0rest: ok
    f0rest: w8
    f0rest: Duplicate
    f0rest: dude
    de_dust2: 2042-93600-5565
    f0rest: same
    de_dust2: w8
    de_dust2: 0412-03445-7049
    f0rest: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/753/1/647737952113951949/?l=english&o_url=smfsdg55

    f0rest: done
    f0rest: it's here
    f0rest: man Get a key work
    de_dust2: i am pretty sure this key will work
    de_dust2: wait
    f0rest: Ok
    de_dust2: 5989-87766-3344
    f0rest: same :/
    de_dust2: maybe in monday ?
    de_dust2: sometimes i have problem with the keys yes
    de_dust2: What
    de_dust2: wait
    de_dust2: 36 games
    de_dust2: you activated it
    de_dust2: now give gift
    de_dust2: i see you activated it
    de_dust2: give me gift !
    f0rest is now Offline.
    de_dust2: SCAMMER
    f0rest is now Online.
    de_dust2: GIVE GIFT
    de_dust2: YOU ACITVATED !!
    f0rest: Yea
    f0rest: It work
    f0rest: Gimme
    f0rest: your email
    de_dust2: send it there
    de_dust2: from steam
    f0rest: why you calling me Scamer
    f0rest: o_O
    f0rest: damn
    de_dust2: sry :D
    f0rest: My pc
    de_dust2: well
    f0rest: sstuck
    de_dust2: bcz
    de_dust2: you activated the key
    de_dust2: then said same :/
    de_dust2: i see your profile
    f0rest: yea
    de_dust2: you had 28 games
    de_dust2: now 36
    de_dust2: and you went offline
    f0rest: I put and then It stuck
    de_dust2: then i tought you blocked me :D
    f0rest: -_-
    de_dust2: (My e-mail was here)
    de_dust2: send it there
    f0rest: I will give +rep
    f0rest: do u know this is the second time
    de_dust2: second time ?
    f0rest: yea
    de_dust2: what do you mean
    f0rest: I already scamed your Gmod XD
    de_dust2: ????
    de_dust2: will you send me the gift pls
    de_dust2: or i`ll really report for scamming
    de_dust2: GIVE GIFT ??????????????????
    de_dust2: i report you on steamrep so everyone will see you are a scammer
    f0rest is now Offline.
    de_dust2: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ scammer kid

    Here i provide chat proof

    Attached Files: