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Pending Report: 76561198132546478 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Lolman_(level 10), Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Lolman_(level 10)

    Lolman_(level 10) New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Other cash fraud (webmoney, bitcoin, etc)
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198132546478

    Victim profile: 76561198099614550

    What happened? Description:
    This happened in my country, Chile,
    A friend posted in a Chilean Forum, and somebody called "Cami" offered 1,300 CLP for key, and my friend accepted the price.
    later, "Cami" telled his bank account and his name, he/she was called "Camila valenzuela", but when he was doing the transaccion, the account was connected for a man called "Alvaro".
    Knowing that the name is wrong, my friend talk with "Cami" and sayed to him that he payed the money, and in that moment, "Cami" bloqued and delete'd my friend.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Tony: hola
    Tony: A cuanto vendes las keys?
    Cami: Hola
    Cami: A 1300
    Tony: tienes face para enviarte la compropacion de la boleta?
    Tony: osea
    Tony: Mandarte la foto
    Cami: no, pero no es necesario el comprobante
    Cami: Puedo revisar desde la pagina del banco los depositos
    Tony: ah buena
    Tony: mejor
    Tony: ok quiero 2
    Tony: keys
    Cami: dale
    Cami: camila valenzuela 18182887-0 Banco Estado
    Tony: Serian $2.600?
    Cami: sip
    (tiempo después)
    Tony: oye
    Tony: pusiste bien el rut?
    Tony: me dijo que era frede stello alvar o algo asi
    Tony: Alvaro*
    Tony: cami?
    Cami se encuentra ahora en estado Desconectado.
    Cami no está en línea en este momento, recibirá tu mensaje cuando vuelva a conectarse.​

    Attached Files: