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Pending Report: 76561198133272674 - ([None] No items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Eye Candy, May 19, 2015.

  1. Eye Candy

    Eye Candy New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Fake reputation vouches
    Virtual item type involved: [None] No items

    Accused profile: 76561198133272674

    Victim profile: 76561198053136466

    What happened? Description:
    Tried to scam me. Offered some immortal items, for new SK immortal, I was ready to trade, but after seeing reports on this site I declined trade and came here to report a scam attempt.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. SilenTrader

    SilenTrader New User

    This guy actually asked me to -rep you sir because he said you scammed him. I checked steamrep first of possible evidences and found out 4 pending reports on him being a scammer including your report and then i also saw his report on you as a scammer (after you reported him here). I wanted to reply him neutrally that he should report any scam w/ evidence to valve but after less than 6 mins of posting his message, he erased it right away before i could even reply (i didn't -rep you and I actually can't rep anyone as this is a new account). You can see his urgency in that post w/ a promise to +rep me if i -rep you (rep bribing) at my trade ad here: http://dota2lounge.com/trade?t=148704114
    I had to delete my ad so i can't erase his post when i clean my messages.

    It is quite disturbing to see this accused account w/ so many new TI5 immo (almost 1 whole page) when he doesn't even have at least 1 of those TI5 taunts, cursor, ls (which you almost always see in every compe users) and specifically the Ti5 hud, effigy block and frondillo which are non-marketable, non-tradable, and non-giftable at this time. I know these as i have compedium activated in my main account. Idk, maybe he deleted the pet and everything else purposely or that he may have gifted/traded all of his taunts,ls and cursor already or he might just honestly have so many arcanas to trade with those TI5 immos (which he currently offers). Lastly, I wanted to also emphasize the oddity of his account in the bases of what I had previously read in a tweet from a known dota 2 player/caster/item creator (forgot his name). He said that he had to have many hundreds of compe lvls and had to acquire 40 NS immo, just to get his first golden luna immo. (Although, I saw 1-2 players who had just lvl 1 compe and they both got 1 golden luna, so just good luck to a few). But then this guy got 7 of them (more lucky he is). Just wanted to point those out as personal observations though.

    I hope admins can look into this immediately and clear up which of the reports are actually true and produce a proper course of action.

    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    The chat agreement is a vital part of any report to SteamRep. You need to have the proof in chat that a scam was occurring.
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