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Accepted Report: 76561198139590367 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Batteriefach, Feb 11, 2018.

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  1. Batteriefach

    Batteriefach New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198139590367

    Victim profile: 76561198040414182

    What happened? Description:
    He added me from lounge, promised to overpay by buying skins off opskins, tries the ole item verification routine.​

    Provide Evidence:
    See screenshots, note that I've edited my own trade links in the pasted chat log.​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Sunday, February 11, 2018
    14:42 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: hello
    14:42 - Batteriefach: sup mate
    14:42 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: btw i want to trade your knife
    14:42 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: are you itnerested?
    14:42 - Batteriefach: sure
    14:43 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: i have enough funds on the market opskins and i can buy items having great discount to trade you on steam
    14:43 - Batteriefach: i'm thinking about cashing out so i'll take anything worth more steam credit, including multiple items
    14:43 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: are you looking for specific item or another knife to trade?
    14:44 - Batteriefach: tbh I'd prefer to trade within steam only
    14:44 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: i only trade on staem
    14:45 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: and okay let me check on the market opskins and send you some list for you to have a good choice
    14:45 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: give me a sec
    14:47 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: btw can you send me your trade url so i can base my offer?
    14:47 - Batteriefach: sure, sec
    14:47 - Batteriefach: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=XXXXX
    14:49 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: btw is your m4a4 is also for trade?
    14:49 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: so i can offer you up to price $140-$150
    14:49 - Batteriefach: everything really
    14:49 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: I can make profit for this
    14:49 - Batteriefach: pains me to part me with that AK but alright
    14:51 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: hihih
    14:51 - Batteriefach: got that thing from the free 0.50 from a gambling site
    14:52 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=394378900
    14:52 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=399364134
    14:52 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=380226912
    14:52 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: thoose item having great discount on the market opskins and tell me which one do you like to have
    14:53 - Batteriefach: any of them would work really
    14:54 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: man its your choice
    14:54 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: not mie
    14:54 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: mine*
    14:55 - Batteriefach: like i said, i'll take any steam offer that steam.tools/itemvalue says is more profitable to sell
    14:56 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: did you check the links?
    14:56 - Batteriefach: yeah, pretty much all of them in the same range so idk really
    14:57 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: so which one do you like to have?
    14:57 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: so i can check
    14:58 - Batteriefach: m9 looks pretty neat
    14:58 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: okay so the m9 right?
    14:58 - Batteriefach: yeah, send offer once you have it
    14:59 - Batteriefach: or is this the classic "Trade me THEN I buy" sham?
    14:59 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: i need to make sure that you will not change your mind for our deal for i will not waste money and profits on the market
    14:59 - Batteriefach: ok so it is the sham
    14:59 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: is this a doen deal already1:1?
    14:59 - Batteriefach: gotchu
    14:59 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: ?
    15:00 - Batteriefach: sure it's a deal, but i'm not gonna send you s✿✿✿ on a promise
    15:01 - Batteriefach: stam trades only lad
    15:01 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: yes man i only trade on steam i just purchased item into opskins and i only trade on steam
    15:01 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: get my point?
    15:01 - Batteriefach: ok, feel free to send a trade offer then
    15:02 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: alright
    15:02 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: let me set up my funds on the market opskins
    15:02 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: give me a sec
    15:02 - Batteriefach: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=XXXXX
    15:02 - Batteriefach: take your time
    15:03 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: please double check
    15:03 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: http://prntscr.com/id6hyx
    15:03 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: this one right?
    15:04 - Batteriefach: wait
    15:04 - Batteriefach: which skins you want again?
    15:04 - Batteriefach: just to double check
    15:04 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: i just want your knife and M4A4 for that knife
    15:05 - Batteriefach: sec, doing math
    15:05 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: okay
    15:05 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: okay btw do you know opskins market right?
    15:06 - Batteriefach: i thought we were trading in steam
    15:06 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: yes man we will trade on staem
    15:06 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: steam*\
    15:06 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: btw i want to make sure if your knife&M4a4 can be listed or marketable on opskins since im going to resell it for real money then
    15:06 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: do you know how to place your knife&m4a4 on sale queue?
    15:07 - Batteriefach: i do not
    15:07 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: okay let me guide you then
    15:07 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: just put a price like $500 or $999 each so your knife&m4 will not be sold and after i see it listed you can take it back and we do the trade on steam
    15:08 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: get my point?
    15:08 - Batteriefach: except i have no idea how to use opskins and i'm in no mood to find out
    15:10 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: okay listen
    15:10 - Batteriefach: ok
    15:10 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: can you go to http://opskins.com and sign in using your steam account
    15:11 - Batteriefach: hold on just a second now
    15:11 - Batteriefach: do you know what steamrep is? I'm a lot more familiar with that than opskins.
    15:12 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: what do you mean?
    15:12 - Batteriefach: have a look
    15:12 - Batteriefach: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=800395061
    15:12 - Batteriefach: the ole fake opskins bot innit
    15:12 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: opskins is a legit site
    15:13 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: are you accusing me here?
    15:13 - Batteriefach: no s✿✿✿ but the bot's gonna be fake
    15:13 - Batteriefach: yes
    15:14 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: man
    15:14 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: opskins is a legit site
    15:14 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: do you want any proof from me?
    15:14 - Batteriefach: i'm not saying it isn't
    15:15 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: https://imgur.com/a/PQY0a
    15:15 - Batteriefach: i'm just saying any form of item verification is a sham
    15:15 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: Please check my trade history
    15:15 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: and also my http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1278360759
    15:15 - Batteriefach: every idiot can inspect element
    15:15 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: lol
    15:15 - Batteriefach: also, a round number?
    15:16 - Batteriefach: what do you take me for
    15:16 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: just add me back if your interested
    15:16 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: have a good day
    15:16 - Batteriefach: no wait
    15:17 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: all i want is to see your knife and make sure if your knife can be listed on the market opskins since im going to resell your knfie for a real moeny
    15:17 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: so thats why i need to make sure if your knife can be listed
    15:17 - Batteriefach: there is no such thing as item verification
    15:17 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING: and after i see your knife listed it you will take it back right away and we will do the trade on steam 1:2
    15:17 - Mercy Cash BUY⇄SELLING is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

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    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
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