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Evidence Provided Report: 76561198150328022 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by marchewa54 PL, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. marchewa54 PL

    marchewa54 PL New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198150328022

    Victim profile: 76561198043806800

    What happened? Description:
    Guy with empty backpack added me and offered a 10 buds for my unusuals and that was suspicious. After that he told me to wait 5 mins to get 12 buds and asked about firend.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Here is chat log:

    Nigdy nie zdradzaj nikomu swojego hasła.
    marchewa54 PL: Hey
    Użytkownik Togashi Yoshiro zmienił status na: Online.
    Togashi Yoshiro: hey
    marchewa54 PL: Hey
    Togashi Yoshiro: hey how much for your unusuals in buds or keys? tell me whats the price so that ican get now
    marchewa54 PL: Im not selling them
    Togashi Yoshiro: why you post at outpost?
    marchewa54 PL: Its closed
    Togashi Yoshiro: can do 10buds for both
    marchewa54 PL: Sorry
    marchewa54 PL: Ok tell me more
    Togashi Yoshiro: what?
    marchewa54 PL: About buds
    Togashi Yoshiro: 12?
    marchewa54 PL: How would you get them?
    Togashi Yoshiro: at outpost
    Togashi Yoshiro: or at my friend
    marchewa54 PL: We will talk when you will have them
    Togashi Yoshiro: can you wait 5minutes? ill get the buds first
    marchewa54 PL: okey
    Togashi Yoshiro: can i ask a proof before i get the buds?
    marchewa54 PL: What proof?
    Togashi Yoshiro: do you have a trusted friend?
    marchewa54 PL: For what?
    Togashi Yoshiro: can we use your trustred friend to hold your items until i get the buds?
    marchewa54 PL: Nah
    Togashi Yoshiro: what?
    marchewa54 PL: I havnt got friends
    Togashi Yoshiro: ill get the buds when you got a friend
    marchewa54 PL: we can use a middle man
    Togashi Yoshiro: yes your friend
    marchewa54 PL: Nopes
    marchewa54 PL: i was going to report you
    marchewa54 PL: But i dont have to
    marchewa54 PL: http://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/id/AJCVLYB/
    marchewa54 PL: Cheers​

    Attached Files:


    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    Ready for review.
    Im sure an admin will add this to his offences if he ever decides to appeal his ban.