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Pending Report: 76561198162291211 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by ¤CvG¤™ imyourdeepestfear, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198162291211

    Victim profile: 76561198028073145

    What happened? Description:
    This payment/transfer of funds was requested by the received, Kyle Bean. He attempted to sell me 111 Counter-Strike:GO keys over steam at a price of $1.80 each. Unfortunately, he repeatedly attempted to change the price of the keys, and attempted to give me the wrong number of keys, hoping that I would not notice. I kindly asked him for a refund multiple times (~26 times) and he responded with either a stern "Accept the trade," or just flat-out insults. Towards the end of this event I realized that there was nothing that I could do in order to get my money back as a refund and I wanted to accept his improper, not what we agreed upon trades. I managed to get 2 keys from this user, however the rest of the keys were "Not available." This user was extremely unprofessional, extremely rude, and attempted to give me 105, 108, 110, and even 78 of the items, instead of the agreed upon 111. This user has my money illegitimately and I'd like to request that I have it disputed, charged back, and put back into my account. Although the message of the transaction says that "I have already received my items" and "I will not charge back," you could see my hesitancy in the screenshots and the video that is posted in this message. I would not have charged back if I had actually received my items, but Kyle Bean is a cheater and a liar who, unfortunately, has my money. Fortunately, someone who previously vouched and defended Kyle Bean previously stated that he would make sure that if Kyle Bean did not live up to his agreement in our trade, that the he, rgz, would cover it, which he thankfully did.

    Imgur Album 1: http://imgur.com/a/tydbQ
    Imgur Album 2: http://imgur.com/a/0UseV


    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. I have also filed a PayPal dispute for the payment. If anyone has any tips on how to win it, I'd be very grateful. I included all of this proof in it.
  3. (Pics in post and in comments are different types of proof, please review all of it)
  4. Mr. Dirtyyy

    Mr. Dirtyyy New User

    This kid was not only unreasonable but, a complete dick. After we 'NEGOTIATED', which he was paying no attention to svidently. I had told him i would give him 108 keys for his $200. Then after repeatidly asking for a refund, WHICH I HAD ALREADY GIVEN TO HIM TWICE, mind you. I finally got fed up with him and sent him a trade offer for the FULL 11 keys. Then he proceeded to be a stingy bastard and still wanted a refund. After about a half hour of him being stubborn and NOT accepting the keys. I went ahead and set ALL 111 keys to rGz, who is MY friend, so he would get his keys and i woulnt have to deal with his bullshit. I will be asking rgz to vouch for me here now that this low life submitted a false claim.
  5. Mr. Dirtyyy

    Mr. Dirtyyy New User

    evidently* FULL 111*
  6. Mr. Dirtyyy

    Mr. Dirtyyy New User

    I have screens of ALL 111 KEYS going to rGz. Screens of BOTH refund I already issued this mother f✿✿✿✿er. You will not be getting a DIME back on paypal, and i STRONGLY urge EVERYONE to steer clear of this guy with way to much time on his hands!!!!!
  7. Mr. Dirtyyy

    Mr. Dirtyyy New User

    HAHAHAH as the IMAGE he posted at the top clearly demonstrates his stubborness, all 111 keys were sent to a middleman "rGz" then to this tool. He got a steal of a deal $1.8 per key and still has nothing better to do than create this post. Well done kid.
  8. You can clearly read the chat messages and see that what he is saying is false.There was no middle-manning, it was supposed to be a straight up trade with Dirtyyy that didn't follow through with his part of the deal so I had to turn to the guy who vouched for him to cover me. Even now he is telling me that he made a mistake recommending this guy because he didn't know that he'd be such an a✿✿✿✿✿✿. As for the refund earlier, if you read the chat messages, the refund he gave me was because he wanted a message in the payment that I won't dispute the transaction or charge it back. It wasn't negotiation because we had already agreed on a price of $1.80/key and clearly Dirtyyy tried changing the number of keys he'd trade me a few times. If he couldn't provide me with the full 111 we agreed upon earlier, he should've issued a refund, which he did not. If you look over all of the chat and video information you'll see the someone rgz vouched for did not follow through with the trade he agreed upon, you can see in the chat that he wanted to sell to me at $1.9 each, then give me 106 keys, 108, 110, everything except 111. I can prove that with showing my trade offer history. I didn't want to deal with him trying to cheat me so I just wanted a refund to be on my way. Unfortunately he clearly didn't want to adhere to that and after I pleaded to rgz for a while who gave me his own keys on his alternate account (that's what he told me, you can see through the chat so dirtyyy is lying about that as well) because he vouched for a liar and a cheater.
  9. I've dealt with PayPal and trading for a few years now and this is the first time I've seen anything like this, but hey, I was bound to experience it eventually.