1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Pending Report: 76561198164326499 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Demopan #Scrap to Key, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Demopan #Scrap to Key

    Demopan #Scrap to Key New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198164326499

    Victim profile: 76561198150928219

    What happened? Description:
    Well, he wanted my strange killstreak silver botkiller sniper rifle mk.i and he will give me 10 dollars for that, in the trade offer he included this message: Sincerelyadministration SteamCommunityReciever:Demopan #Scrap to Pay: $10.00 USDRegistration number: B10980MVAT ID:

    I accepted the trade and he said it will be in my inventory, its not there and I tried to type in the code and it didn't work/add any money. I went back and talk to him but realize that he blocked me. Obvious scammer, he told me that he is 10 years old so please spam his profile with scammer alert. Thanks and please give me information as soon as possible​

    Provide Evidence:
    All I got was the accepted trade because he blocked me before I can screen shot the chat. As you see the trade was accepted June 8/2015 at 8:03pm. The message he included was in there to, check the message to see if its a fake

    Screen shot of proof that he blocked me.

    Also screen shot of his steam profile with link and steam inventory​

    Attached Files:

  2. Demopan #Scrap to Key

    Demopan #Scrap to Key New User

    You can also notice something dogy in his message, Like when it says Receiver: Demopan #Scrap to "Pay" but my username is Demopan #Scrap to "Key" and there are no spaces, all steam messages include spaces in them and I don't think this is from steam and that he typed it himself
  3. Salmon

    Salmon Caution on SteamRep

    You need a screenshot of the chat.

    For the future, notes on a trade are ONLY ever things written BY the other user. You cannot be given steam funds by a trade.
  4. Demopan #Scrap to Key

    Demopan #Scrap to Key New User

    I don't have any screen shot proof because he blocked me before I can chat to him and I can't open up the chat/find him in the friends list. And he sent me a trade offer not a trade request.