1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Pending Report: 76561198174631697 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by ShinigamiSteam, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. ShinigamiSteam

    ShinigamiSteam New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198174631697

    Victim profile: 76561198044180589

    What happened? Description:
    he tried to buy my stuff via paypal,so I told him to buy keys with his paypal money (using tf2shop.net)and later trade,but he refuses and he started threatening me with that scamming will continue with others, if I did not give my objects,and he later he began to say that he would steal my steam account and things that do not make sense on java

    Really really sorry for my bad english but that guy is the worst scammer what I can find​

    Provide Evidence:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: well
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: I have a lot to offer
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: we have 2 ways to trade
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: paypal
    The Sneaky Spy: Or visa.
    The Sneaky Spy: Got it.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: even
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: is 1 way more
    The Sneaky Spy: Which is...
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: I 'm a complete coward
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: but
    The Sneaky Spy: And...
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: I know a way to buy using your paypal
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: give me a second
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: example you can buy with paypal keys
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: http://tf2shop.net/
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: and later we can trade the keys
    The Sneaky Spy: I Don't trust that.
    The Sneaky Spy: No thanks
    The Sneaky Spy: You said you accepted paypal
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: yeah
    The Sneaky Spy: Do You or not?
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: but
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: you have some way
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: to 100%
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: 100000%
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: show me I can trust ?
    The Sneaky Spy: Yeah no.
    The Sneaky Spy: No thanks
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: oh
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: so you wanted to scam me using paypal
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: nice nice trick
    The Sneaky Spy: No,
    The Sneaky Spy: If I wanted to scam You
    The Sneaky Spy: I would've done much better.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: but why I cant trust you then?
    The Sneaky Spy: Bye
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: paypal scammer
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: great
    The Sneaky Spy: Nope.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: why I have this bad luck
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: I want to trade
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: but you are not giving me
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: any proof
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: of trust
    The Sneaky Spy: Uhhh
    The Sneaky Spy: Bananas.
    The Sneaky Spy: Bye,
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: reported
    The Sneaky Spy: We Both know you didn't do that.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: sure?
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: check
    The Sneaky Spy: Yup
    The Sneaky Spy is now Offline.
    The Sneaky Spy: Will DO.
    The Sneaky Spy: Roses Are Ride, Violets Are Blue, Man o man, Your Choices Just f✿✿✿ed You.
    The Sneaky Spy: Red*
    The Sneaky Spy is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: I hate scammers
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: please stop
    The Sneaky Spy: Nope.
    The Sneaky Spy: I Wasn't scamming
    The Sneaky Spy: But
    The Sneaky Spy: Nacking As some people call it
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: then why you dont want to trade using a middleman page
    The Sneaky Spy: Or ryhmes with thta
    The Sneaky Spy: Your Account.
    The Sneaky Spy: Is Comprimised
    The Sneaky Spy: Yeah! Screenshots would help which is why your taking them
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: what is wrong with you?
    The Sneaky Spy: plenty of things.
    The Sneaky Spy: Some like not having unusuals
    The Sneaky Spy: Which is about to change.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: dont scam no one
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: please
    The Sneaky Spy: Then give me what i came for
    The Sneaky Spy: Or I'll just take it.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: look
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: if you want a item
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: you need to pay for it
    The Sneaky Spy: I Was
    The Sneaky Spy: and then i got accused of scamming
    The Sneaky Spy: So...
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: then buy keys
    The Sneaky Spy: Thanks For the Unusuals.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: with your money
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: and dont scam!
    The Sneaky Spy: nope.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: man,for what reason
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: you cant buy keys
    The Sneaky Spy: for the reason of abilities
    The Sneaky Spy: Either I get 1 unusual
    The Sneaky Spy: Or i get all..
    The Sneaky Spy: Hmm
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: if you want a unusual
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: buy keys
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: and trade with me
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: is easy
    The Sneaky Spy: Or hack all of your unusuals
    The Sneaky Spy: Easier!
    The Sneaky Spy: "reported"
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: great a 10 years old who believes in hacks
    The Sneaky Spy: Oh i Ain't ten
    The Sneaky Spy: Thanks For the Unusuals Buddy!
    The Sneaky Spy: Oh And BTW, Ima Continue Scamming People
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: you dont know what is steam guard
    The Sneaky Spy: I do
    The Sneaky Spy: I Also know the JavaScript And Html Code to reverse it.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: java script
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: is nothing to do
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: with steam guard
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: steam guard is cache
    The Sneaky Spy: No im Saying most computers run with JavaScript.
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: nope
    The Sneaky Spy: Everything Runs off javascript
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: computers run
    The Sneaky Spy: I Enter the code thru javascript
    The Sneaky Spy: I then HTML it.
    The Sneaky Spy: Thanks Anyways, Bye
    The Sneaky Spy: And Again, Thanks for the UNusuals
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: you are speaking nonsende
    The Sneaky Spy: Especially The Fruit Shoot
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: linux dont work with hava
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: linux work with linux
    The Sneaky Spy: and jav
    The Sneaky Spy: java*
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: nope
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: ok then
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: say 1 command
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: of java
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: or 1 of linux
    The Sneaky Spy: Command?
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: 1
    The Sneaky Spy: .rerun/scriptthroughenterpoint/adminastratoraccess
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: maybe you need to search in solaris
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: because
    The Sneaky Spy: Or As a "Command"
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: is sudo su password
    The Sneaky Spy: Click your windows thing
    The Sneaky Spy: Anyways
    The Sneaky Spy: Either way ima continue Scamming which you don't want
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: ahh shup up you are getting reported
    The Sneaky Spy: Unless i get what i want
    The Sneaky Spy: Ahh, yes, And then its getting deleted
    The Sneaky Spy: And I want 1 key
    The Sneaky Spy: Thats it
    The Sneaky Spy: And i'll stop
    The Sneaky Spy: Otherwise
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: otherwise what?
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: you are going to cry?
    The Sneaky Spy: Otherwise I'll continue Scamming
    The Sneaky Spy: Which You Don't want
    The Sneaky Spy: Anyway
    The Sneaky Spy: Screw u.
    The Sneaky Spy: And bye
    The Sneaky Spy: :D
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: or I cant report you
    The Sneaky Spy: Bye Mate
    The Sneaky Spy: Gotta scam some folks
    Shinigami s>10 unu 10-100 keys: you dont know how steam rep works I think​

    Attached Files:

  2. ShinigamiSteam

    ShinigamiSteam New User

    more proof and his alt Screenshot_61.png